
Induction for NHS non-executive members: guidance

Guidance on the updated approach to induction for non-executive members of health bodies following the blueprint for good governance.

Approach to Induction

The induction approach for Non-Executive Members provides the information that will enable them to become as effective as possible in their role within the shortest practical time. This will enable the Board to discharge their corporate responsibility for ensuring that the Board fulfils the aims and objectives set by Scottish Ministers and demonstrates strong and effective governance capability.

Induction Approach

Public Appointments process

All new members receive a copy of 'On Board: A Guide for Members of Statutory Boards' and are invited to attend an 'On Board' Induction Event. You will also be given a link so that you can access the resource online via the 'Governance Portal'. 'On Board' provides an overview of the relationship between the Scottish Parliament, Scottish Ministers, the Scottish Government and public bodies. This guidance is given to all newly appointed members of Boards, and sets out basic information that all members need to understand their role as a member of a Board of a public body in Scotland.

National Induction

In your induction pack you will be given information about the Board development learning platform on Turas Learn. This is the home of all resources related to the development of NHS Boards and Board Members. It is from here that you can access the Induction 'Go To' interactive training sessions; access a suite of information booklets on key Board topics and find out about how to access mentoring and coaching opportunities.

Non-Executive Members are encouraged to use the Values Based Reflection tool to capture learning throughout the induction period, particularly when meeting key people and visiting work sites. The Values Based Reflection tool has a dual task to:

  • inform how the Non-Executive intends to communicate NHS values and shape healthy cultures by the way they take up their role; and
  • reflect on the organisational culture experienced through meetings and visits during orientation period.

Further information on the Values Based Reflection Tool and how this is used can be found under "What Next".

You can contact the Board Development Team by emailing the Team mailbox: or contact Sharon Millar, Principal Lead Board Development, NHS Education for Scotland, T: 07769 367 635 or Email:

Local Induction

Local Induction will cover the local context with regards to Board business, identification and discussion about key challenges, meetings with other Board members and key staff that you should have.

You will be given your local pack from your Board Secretary (a standardised template pack can be found on

Induction Process for Board Members - Timeline and Actions

  • Non-Executive Member appointed to an NHS Board
  • Non-Executive Member receives "Welcome Letter" from the NHS Board
  • Non-Executive Member Introductory Meeting
  • Non-Executive Member receives Induction Pack
  • Non-Executive Member meets with Chair after 1 month
  • Non-Executive Member induction Meetings
  • Non-Executive visit Board Development on Turas learn
  • Non-Executive 6 month Review with Chair (self-reflection)
  • Non-Executive Annual Appraisal/Development discussion

Start date

New Non-Executive Member receives appointment letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport.

NHS Board Secretary writes to the new Non-Executive Member with the standard 'welcome' letter providing basic contact information.

1 week

NHS Board Secretary to organise introductory meeting with the Chair and Board Secretary, including discussion on identifying individual support requirements.*

NHS Board Secretary prepares the induction pack. This should also include forms to be completed (Declaration of Interests; Expenses; IT equipment; HR issues; payroll dates; how to get ID badge).

1 month

New Non-Executive meets with the Chair to discuss the feedback from the selection process and confirm areas of strength and design their development needs during the first 6 months in role. Complete Part 1 of the Induction Review Form.

NHS Board Secretary to arrange a formal induction programme for the new Non-Executive Member to meet with Committee Chairs, Members etc and also visits to services and facilities.

6 months

Non-Executives visit Board Development on Turas learn to explore development options and complete the short on-line interactive training sessions.

The Board Secretary should arrange a 6 month review meeting between the Chair and Non-Executive Member to discuss their growth and learning. A summary should be captured in Part 2 of the Induction Review Form to illustrate their effectiveness and build on their CPD journey.

1 year

The Board Secretary should arrange an annual Appraisal meeting with the Non-Executive Member and Chair. This date should be arranged by the Board Secretary prior to the 6 month review meeting, so that it can be given out at that meeting.

* if tailored support is required and cannot be provided locally, please contact Sharon Millar, Principal Lead Board Development, NHS Education for Scotland who would be happy to work with the Board on development requirements: E:; T: 07769 367635 Corporate Business Management Team:



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