
Industrial Injuries and Disablement Benefit Advisory Group minutes: March 2017

Minutes of the third meeting of the Industrial Injuries and Disablement Benefit Advisory Group that took place on 27 March 2017.

Attendees and apologies


  • Claire McDermott, Social Security, Scottish Government (Chair)
  • Rosemary McGowan, Citizens Advice Airdrie
  • Dr Anne Braidwood, Medical Advisor
  • Trish-Brady Campbell, Scottish Government, Senior Research Officer
  • Roddy Duncan, Scottish Government, Creating Health
  • Nicola Dickie, COSLA
  • Alex Young, Scottish Government, Fair work
  • Phyllis Craig, Clydeside Action on Asbestos
  • Ian Tasker, STUC
  • Nikola Plunkett, Scottish Government, Social Security Policy


  • Elinor Owe, Scottish Government, Justice
  • Tommy Gorman, MacMillan Cancer Support
  • Barbara Donegan, CPAG
  • Ellen Searle, Social Security, Scottish Government (Chair)
  • Liz Davidson, Social Security, Scottish Government

Items and actions

Welcome and minute

1. The Chair welcomed new member Nikola Plunkett, Head of Ill Health and Disability Benefits Unit, Scottish Government and guest Trish Brady-Campbell, Senior Research Officer to present on Experience Panels. Apologies were made for the delay in issuing papers, given the short notice, it was recognised that members may wish to submit further comments after the meeting.

2. The minute of 12 December 2016 was agreed. All action points were cleared with the exception of analysts obtaining figures on the number of successful appeals. It was noted that in seeking to widen engagement SCVO had recommended contacting Turn2Us, the Health and Social Care Alliance and Action Hearing Loss. Members offered to send in further recommendations.

Action: Members to send in any further recommendations on widening engagement on IIDB.

Policy update

3. The Chair updated the group on visit to the IIDB service centre in Barnsley organised by DWP. This provided an opportunity to see the end to end case processing for new claims and change in circumstances. The intention is to arrange a visit to the other service centre at Barrow that deals with lumps sum payments, REA and reviews and appeals. The Scottish Government response to the consultation was published last month and will be covered later in the agenda. At the last meeting members contributed to the options appraisal exercise and the outcome of this is expected to be announced in the next few weeks. SG attended the IIAC Research Working Group on 2 March to seek views on their current terms of reference, role and remit to inform policy considerations of what a Scottish equivalent could be. This generated a written response.

Action: SG to check whether IIAC written response can be shared with the Group.

Future engagement

4. The group discussed the importance of contributing to the policy development and devolution of IIDB to Scotland. It was noted that engagement at meetings and at recent workshop had been high but there had largely been a lack of feedback between meetings on written correspondence and papers. It was recognised that members are busy with a number of competing priorities. Members suggested that the SG could be clearer on where correspondence is for information only, for optional contributions or where input is required on key policy decisions. SG will consider this in future correspondence.

5. It was noted that some members of the group have suggested that SG undertake work to consider the list of prescribed diseases and other technical aspects of the scheme . To do so we will require relevant medical and scientific expertise, therefore consideration of whether this group can be realigned or whether something separate should be established to meet this need. It is likely that this expertise will be required to contribute to the policy development of whether a Scottish equivalent of IIAC is established what its functions should be. Members are encouraged to provide a view. A view will also be sought from the Disability and Carers’ Benefits Expert Advisory Group.

Action: SG to flag future correspondence with the actions required.

Disability and Carers’ Expert Advisory Group

6. An update was provided on the Expert Advisory Group. Dr. Jim McCormick, Associate Director Scotland to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation has been appointed as Chair. Members are appointed by the Minister for Social Security and agreed between her and the chair. Members commented that links between the groups will be key and that consideration should be given to inviting a member from this group. It was also suggested that there should be employer and employee representatives. Members found it difficult to comment on interactions with the group without first seeing the terms of reference and draft remit of the group. It was suggested that Jim McCormick be invited to a future IIDB Advisory Group meeting.

Action: SG to feedback comments from members to the Secretary and Chair of the EAG

Experience panels

7. A presentation was provided on the Experience Panel recruitment. The slide pack is attached with the minute. IIDB recipients are likely to be one of the groups that are hardest to reach and recruit but it is important that we can learn from their experience to help design the new social security system in Scotland. Members offered their assistance in both highlighting the recruitment and providing reassurance that this is to assist the Scottish Government and that we will not share the information they provide to us. It was suggested that recruitment be open family members in cases of terminal illness. Analysts confirmed that the recruitment was not restricted to recipients recognising that for some cases others will be recruited to share experiences. The intention is to hold a themed week for IIDB to raise awareness of the Experience Panels, members were encouraged to provide anonymised case studies which could help or volunteer to do a guest blog.

Action: Members to assist with reaching out to recipients to highlight recruitment and provide reassurance, provide case studies and consider volunteering to provide to write a blog.

Action: Analysts to work with a member of the group to attend a session with a group of their recipients.

Topic-specific updates and SG response to the consultation

8. A link to the SG response to the consultation was issued with the papers. If members have any comments, given time constraints are the meeting, were encouraged to provide these in writing. Papers were also issued in advance of the meeting providing an update on the topic specific workshops that had been held throughout February and March. A write up of the Employment Support workshop held recently was not yet completed and will be issued to the Group shortly.

Action: Members invited to provide any comments or feedback on topic specific updates (workshop).

Action: SG to issue Employment Support write up when available.

Next steps

9. The priority over the coming months will be to consider views from the groups, consultation responses and outcomes from topic specific workshops to begin to shape priorities for devolution of the scheme. Members commented that it would be helpful to have more robust data on the Scottish caseload of IIDB recipients (including appeals) for consideration at the next meeting.


  • To obtain further IIDB data – SG Analysts – next meeting
  • Suggestions to widen engagement with Welfare Rights Advisors – Members – 12/5/17
  • Check whether IIAC written response can be shared with the Group – SG Policy – 28/4/17
  • Feedback comments from the Group to the Secretary and Chair of the EAG – SG Policy – Next meeting
  • Members to assist with reaching out to recipients to highlight recruitment and provide reassurance, provide case studies and consider volunteering to provide to write a blog – All – Ongoing to 12/5/17
  • Analysts to work with a member of the group to attend a session with a group of their recipients – SG Analysts – 12/5/17
  • Members to provide any comments or feedback on topic specific workshop write ups – All – 12/5/17
  • SG to issue employment support workshop write up – SG Policy – 12/5/17


Email: Claire McDermott

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