Industry Leadership Groups review

A range of Industry Leadership Groups (ILGs) have been established over time, with different governance, structures, and funding but intended to deliver a common set of aims. This review was initiated to understand the activities of each ILG, their key outputs and how they can increase their impact.

Annex C: Summary table - Membership of the ILGs and Sub-groups


Appointment of members

Steps to ensure membership is representative

Current sub-groups






By application and consideration by the Chair; approval by the group

The Group have mapped the constituent parts of the industry (e.g. main contractors, to ensure appropriate representation

Various sub-groups e.g. Skills, Building Standards and Procurement, Innovation etc. Sub-groups align to the themes of the strategy. SE funding for (administration and projects); KPIs as funding condition


Suggestions from SG officials with input from partners and the co-chair. My Hyslop approves.

Representativeness is a key consideration when appointments are made

The co-chair has convened a sub-group about how SNIB could support creative industries. SG provides secretariat. No direct funding.


Recommendation from FiSAB members, SfE (industry body), SG officials. FM approves

Achieving sectoral representation is the responsibility of the Chair and Deputy Chair

Skills and Talent - address the anticipated skills gap in the sector

Banking and Economy Forum - issues facing banks and readiness for Brexit

No funding - SG/SE/SDS involved where needed


Appointment of members and co-Chairs overseen by the Governance Group.

There is a 'register of potential members'. This is generated from existing members, industry contacts etc. Candidates are assessed and interviewed by the Governance Group

Terms are 2-4 years to ensure regular turnover

Four groups focussing on strategic themes (2025 vision): internationalisation; business environment; innovation and commercialisation; and, sustainable production. Two enabling groups: Governance and Marcomms

There is now a working group on AAA (Agritech, Aquaculture and Animal Health)

No funding (SG/SE) for working groups except for allowable expenses from SE



Appointment and approval by Chair and Group Members - specific arrangements to be finalised

Achieving sectoral representation is the responsibility of the Chair and Group

Scotland Food and Drink Partnership Board

Membership is CEOs of key organisations (e.g. NFUS, SSPO, SWA) and staff from SE, SE, HIE and SDI. Members are appointed by the individual trade organisations

The spread of trade organisations ensuring representation of different business sizes

Subgroups focus on themes e.g. exports, skills, innovation and tourism. SG and agencies are involved in all subgroups


Membership is drawn from the FinFish farming sector and includes HIE, SEPA, SNH etc.

Currently members mostly operate in salmon farming

The TOR states the group should be representative of the industry. The public sector only has observer status. No environmental NGOS

Funding is primarily through contribution in kind but particular members due take financial responsibility for specific projects.


Membership is senior executives from utilities, skills and sector experts and academic input.

Representation (business size) considered by the Group and officials

A number of SLGs are being established

Oil and Gas



Scottish Forest and Timber Tech



Recent SE support for design and publication of strategy and contribution to maintenance and hosting of website.

Majority of funding associated with ILG projects is from Scottish Forestry and the Timber Development Fund


Scottish Tourism


Nothing to date

No set subgroups but the national strategy has asset groups (events and festivals etc.) and ad hoc subgroups from time to time



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