
Inequalities in access to blue coastal space: research report

Research report exploring factors affecting people’s access to coastal space in Scotland.

Appendix A – Survey Questionnaire

Introcutory Text

We'd now like to ask you some questions about any free time you have spent outside in blue spaces. By blue spaces we mean bodies of water and areas near them, such as beaches, rivers, lochs, and canals.

This includes any visits to…

- blue spaces in towns and cities (e.g. ponds, canals)

- blue spaces in the countryside (e.g. rivers)

- the coast (e.g. beaches, cliffs) and activities in the open sea.

[Ask all. Multicode.]

Q1. In the last 12 months, which of the following type(s) of blue space have you visited in your free time?

Please do not include time spent in blue spaces as part of your job, or time spent outside Scotland.

Please select all that apply

[Rotate order of codes 1-9.]

1. Loch

2. Sea loch

3. River

4. Canal

5. Beach / sea / other coastline

6. Cliff

7. Esplanade / promenade

8. Pier

9. Harbour / marina

10. Another blue space (please specify) [Fix]

11. None of these – I have not visited a blue space in the last 12 months [Fix] [Exclusive]

998. Don't know [Fix] [Exclusive]

999. Prefer not to say [Fix] [Exclusive]

[Ask all who have visited the coast in the last 12 months (q1= 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Single code.]

Q2. In the last 12 months, how often, on average, have you spent free time outside at the coast? This includes areas such as the beach, sea or other coastline, cliffs, esplanades or promenades, piers and harbours or marinas.

Again, please do not include time spent at the coast as part of your job, or time spent outside Scotland.

Please select one option only

[Reverse scale for half of respondents]

1. More than once per day

2. Every day

3. Several times a week

4. Once a week

5. Once or twice a month

6. Once every 2-3 months

7. Once or twice in the past 12 months

998. Don't know [Fix] [Exclusive]

999. Prefer not to say [Fix] [Exclusive]

[Ask all. Single code.]

Q3.How far away from your home is the nearest public coastal blue space?

Please select one option only

1. A 5-minute walk or less

2. Within a 6-10 minute walk

3. Within an 11-20 minute walk

4. Within a 21-30 minute walk

5. Within a 31-minute to 1 hour walk

6. Between a 1 hour 1 minute and 2 hour walk

7. More than 2 hours walk

998. Don't know [Fix] [Exclusive]

999. Prefer not to say [Fix] [Exclusive]



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