
Infant mental health: evidence review

This report covers the key findings of a rapid literature review of UK research on infant mental health, in addition to interviews with members of infant mental health clinical teams in NHS Fife and NHS Lanarkshire.

Annex C. NHS Boards Interview Topic Guide


Introduce myself and give context about the project and the literature review. Explain that there is little evidence of measures in practice and so I am hoping to understand how measures are being used "on the ground"

Interview Questions

1. What measures have you chosen to use in the development of the service?

2. Why did you choose those measures particularly? What do you expect the impact of these measures will be on the detection and promotion of IMH?

3. What have been the biggest challenges to the development of the service?

4. Has COVID-19 created any unique challenges that you weren't expecting?

5. What are your short term goals for the service development? What would be your recommendations to ensure a successful rollout of IMH services across Scotland?



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