
Information Governance Records Management Guidance Note Number 004: Compiling A Records Inventory

Records Management Guidance Note 004 - Compiling a Records Inventory

NHS Board Responsibilities

The Chief Executive Officer has overall accountability for ensuring that records management operates legally within the Board.

The Caldicott Guardian works in liaison with the organisation's Health Records Manager(s), Information and Communications Technology (eHealth) Manager(s), Information Governance Manager and others with similar responsibilities, to ensure there are agreed systems for managing confidentiality and security of information and records in the organisation. All NHS staff should be aware of their personal responsibilities in respect of records management.

The importance and benefits of compiling a records inventory are recognised and supported by the organisation's Executive Board. The Board's Information Governance Steering Group or a sub-group working under terms of reference set by the Information Governance Steering Group are responsible for compiling the inventory.

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