
Informed decision-making, community engagement and participation workstream report

Final Report of the Informed decision-making, community engagement and participation workstream of the Independent advisory group on emerging technologies in policing.

1. Introduction

1.1. The Cabinet Secretary for Justice appeared before the Scottish Parliament's Justice Sub-Committee on Policing in relation to their report into Police Scotland's use of digital triage devices (or "cyber kiosks") on 13 June 2019. During his appearance, the Cabinet Secretary announced his intention to form an independent advisory group to scope the possible legal and ethical issues arising from emerging technological developments.

1.2. The Group is Chaired by Dr Elizabeth Aston and will report to the Cabinet Secretary for Justice on whether the current legal or ethical frameworks need to be updated in order to ensure Police Scotland's use of emerging technologies for operational policing is compatible with equality, human rights and other applicable legislation and best practice; and to provide specific recommendations or potential outputs to address any identified issues.

1.3. The IAG will produce findings and recommendations to assist Police Scotland with its consideration of deployment of new or emerging technology after consideration of the following key areas:

1.3.1. Legislation and Ethical Standards

1.3.2. Evidence and Scientific Standards

1.3.3. Informed Decision-making, Community Engagement and Participation

1.3.4. Oversight, Scrutiny and Review.

1.4. The Work Stream 3 membership was a range of professionals with varying expertise and perspectives in relation to consultation and public engagement. Members were invited to participate, represent their organisations, challenge and share best practice. The members met during a series of workshop style meetings over several months to discuss practice and weigh-up suggestions and recommendations for this report. The Group heard from a range of expert speakers to ensure a wide perspective, including consideration of international practices. A full list of members of the group is set out in Appendix One.

1.5. This report sets out the findings of the informed decision-making, community engagement and participation work stream for the IAG to consider as a key element of their final report and recommendations.



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