
Informed decision-making, community engagement and participation workstream report

Final Report of the Informed decision-making, community engagement and participation workstream of the Independent advisory group on emerging technologies in policing.


1. European Institute of Public Administration - New solutions to complex challenges - A public sector citizen-centric,

2. Ladder of Citizen Participation – Organizing Engagement

3. Police Scotland - Citizen Space

4. Democratic Participation and Political Education: John Stuart Mill 11th Edition, (2019)

5. Social Theory: GDH Cole, (1920)

6. The Social Contract: Jean-Jacque Rousseau, (1762)

7. Definition of policing by consent - GOV.UK (

8. Mistry, (2007)

9. Pateman C., (1970) 'Participation and Democratic Theory' Cambridge and Pateman C (2012) 'Participatory Democracy Re-visited' Perspectives on Politics

10. Habermas J., (1996) `Popular sovereignty as procedure'', in Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy

11. Innes J E., (1998) `Information in communicative planning'' Journal of the American Planning Association

12. report_2_final_digital.pdf (

13. Fung A (2006) 'Varieties of participation in a complex governance' Public Administration Review

14. Bowling and Foster 2002; Myhill 2006

15. Decisions on Digitalisation: Using Participatory Democracy for Better Policy | Institute for Global Change

16. Digital Regulation: Driving growth and unlocking innovation - GOV.UK (

17. Decisions on Digitalisation: Using Participatory Democracy for Better Policy | Institute for Global Change

18. LH, R (on the application of) v Shropshire Council [2014] EWCA Civ 404 (04 April 2014) (

19. Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Found'n Trust v JCPCT & Anr (

20. Kendall v Rochford District Council & Ano [2014] EWHC 3866 (Admin) (19 December 2014) (

21. West Midlands Police turns to predictive analytics

22. The West Midlands case study - Predictive Policing and Artificial Intelligence (

23. West Midlands Police turns to predictive analytics - Policing Insight

24. Report on Police Scotland's proposal to introduce the use of digital device triage systems (cyber kiosks) | Scottish Parliament

25. Report on Police Scotland's proposal to introduce the use of digital device triage systems (cyber kiosks) | Scottish Parliament

26. Police Scotland's Use of Body Worn Video: Public Consultation - Police Scotland - Citizen Space

27. Published report - Christie Commission on the future delivery of public services future-delivery-public-services/pages/6/

28. O'Neill, M., & Aston , E. (2018). Changing Stop and Search in Scotland. European Journal of Policing Studies, 5(4), 129-154

29. Published paper - Achieving cultural change through organizational justice: The case of stop and search in Scotland

30. Mortimer, D. (2010). Employee Engagement: 5 Factors that matter to employees. Wellbeing Analysis, HR Review.

31. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development: Employee engagement and motivation report

32. Police Scotland Body Worn Video – key findings and recommendations of public and colleague engagement (March 2022) Police Scotland Public Contact and Engagement Strategy 2020



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