Infrastructure Investment Plan 2011 - Updated Programme Pipeline (January 2015)

Update to the Programme Pipeline as at January 2015.


Programme Capital value (estimate) Timetable for delivery Finance and delivery Strategic links and progress update
Next Generation Broadband
Delivering the long term ambition to provide world class digital connectivity in Scotland by 2020. The current capital projects will deliver next generation broadband infrastructure ( NGB) to at least 85% of premises across Scotland by end 2015. The 85% figure will be achieved through two investments with BT: one for the highlands and islands region and one for the rest of Scotland.
The total public and private sector capital expenditure for both projects will be in the region of £410 million. The Programme Milestone of ensuring that 85% of premises in Scotland have access to NGB will be achieved by the end of 2015.
The deployment of infrastructure will continue until 2017 where it is expected that around 95% of premises in Scotland will have access to NGB and all will have access at least Basic Broadband.
As of January 2015, 165 494 homes have been enabled with fibre broadband, with anticipated delivery by the end of march 2015 being to circa 244 000 premises.
The public sector investment is £280 million. This includes monies from UK government, Scottish government, local authorities and Europe.
The private sector investment from BT is £130 million.
Current spend on the programme, as at December 2014 is £14.4 million.
Digital connectivity is essential to underpin Scotland's future economy. The investment in next generation broadband alone is anticipated to generate total benefits of £2.8 billion over a 15 year period. It will enable delivery of the future generation of digital public services which are easier, quicker and more convenient for people to use, and are lower cost than other methods. It will help the transition to a low carbon economy - allowing people to travel less and work from home. It will drive rural economic growth and competitiveness, creating more and better jobs and opening up new opportunities for different ways of living and working that encourage strong and growing rural towns and villages and respects and protects our environment.


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