Infrastructure Investment Plan 2011 - Updated Programme Pipeline (January 2015)

Update to the Programme Pipeline as at January 2015.


Programme Capital value (estimate) Timetable for delivery Finance and delivery Strategic links and progress update
Storage, repairs and maintenance at national cultural and heritage organisations
Rationalisation of the storage requirements, possible disposal of assets (unsuitable stores requiring significant repair), shared services through co-location of storage, and maintenance of remainder of existing estate, including addressing of significant maintenance and repair backlog.
Following a review of requirements across the Portfolio's sponsored bodies over 2014 and early 2015, a funding proposal will be developed and fed into the 2015 Spending Review process. It is likely that the programme of work will cover at least 2-3 spending review periods. Backlog can be addressed by phasing work over a 10-15 year period. Ongoing funding will be required to ensure adequate maintenance carried out annually thereafter. Construction of new storage and maintenance of existing estate will need to be largely Scottish Government funded as maintenance and storage will be unlikely to attract lottery or private sector funding. Projects can be phased over a number of years as they will be distinct projects at a number of sites. More efficient and high-quality public services: new storage will allow the rationalisation of the storage estate, reduce the repair bill for old and unsuitable storage buildings, and deliver more efficient access to collections and more efficient operations.
Reducing the amount of floor space required through more modern and more appropriate storage. Allowing disposal of outdated and high-maintenance storage facilities.
Opportunities to share facilities wherever possible and share costs such as security and transport.
Glasgow 2014: concert hall and theatre improvements
To increase public access to national performing companies in Glasgow (Royal Concert Hall and Theatre Royal), and improved public facilities in 2014; to provide better quality and more efficient working facilities for Royal Scottish National Orchestra ( RSNO)at the Royal Concert Hall.
£27.4 million (£16 million for Royal Concert Hall, £11.4 million for Theatre Royal). December 2014 for Theatre Royal and summer 2015 for Royal Concert Hall Combination of Scottish Government, Glasgow City Council, Lottery, Creative Scotland and private fundraising. Improved public service - better audience facilities ( e.g. disabled access at Theatre Royal), potential for venues to attract greater variety of work.
Royal Concert Hall project part of wider redevelopment of City Centre/Buchanan Galleries with provision for evening activities and employment. Efficient sharing of concert hall facilities between Glasgow Life (new more flexible performance space) and RSNO (rehearsal venue). The Theatre Royal project is designed to meet energy targets in the 2013 Building Regulations through natural ventilation and building fabric enhancements.


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