Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26 Major capital projects progress update (August 2024)

The following information relates to projects with a capital value of £5 million or more which are at the outline business case (or equivalent) approved stage or beyond.

Sector: Justice

Project: HMP Highland

Business case approved stages: HMP Highland will provide a fit-for-purpose community facing prison, which supports the Government's objective of reducing the risk of prisoners reoffending on release from custody. The OBC outlined that the total cost of the project was in the range of £98 million to £110 million and that it would be operational by July 2024. The FBC outlines that the total cost of the project will be £209.3 million and that completion of the construction phase will be summer 2026 with an operational date to be agreed following construction completion.

Progress at December 2023: No change to cost since the last report (as reported in September 2022 update, the project cost was £139.5 million).

The second stage contract award is now anticipated to be spring 2024 and the fully developed programme will be agreed at this point. Completion of the construction phase is now forecast to be spring 2026 with an operational date later that year, which is later than the construction forecast of spring 2025 and operational forecast of June 2025 previously reported in the March 2023 update. This is due to a delay in receipt of the final pricing, which is pushing back the date for the second stage contract award and the construction programme.

Progress at August 2024: The FBC was approved in March 2024 and the second stage contract was awarded in April 2024 with construction commencing thereafter. The total cost of the project is now £209.3 million which is an increase to that previously reported. This is due to increases in costs for various work packages and additional contractor prelim costs.

Completion of the construction phase is now forecast to be summer 2026 with an operational date to be agreed following construction completion. This is later than that previously reported and is due to delays in receiving the final contract price.

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