
Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26: major capital projects progress update - March 2023

The following information relates to projects with a capital value of £5 million or more which are at the outline business case (or equivalent) approved stage or beyond.

Major capital projects progress update

The following information relates to projects with a capital value of £5 million or more which are at the Outline Business Case (or equivalent) approved stage or beyond.

The information mainly comprises projects included at Annex D of the Scottish Government’s Infrastructure Investment Plan published in February 2021 and other infrastructure projects which have been commissioned since then.

The majority of information reports the position as at 31 March 2023. If however there has been a significant change in the status of any project between then and the end of April 2023, the accompanying information relating to that project has been updated.

All projects are capital grant funded unless otherwise stated.

In recent reports, cost increases have been driven by inflation caused by Brexit and the war in Ukraine. Delays in projects have been down to supply-chain issues and labour shortages again driven by Brexit and the war in Ukraine. In this latest report, whilst inflation remains a factor for cost increases, delays are more often reported as resulting from changes to the scope of a project driven by the likes of accessibility enhancements, delivering net zero building standards, and new carbon emission targets. All planned dates and costs therefore are best estimates and may subsequently be subject to further impact.



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