
Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26: major capital projects progress update - March 2023

The following information relates to projects with a capital value of £5 million or more which are at the outline business case (or equivalent) approved stage or beyond.

Sector: Justice

Project: HMP Highland

Business case approved stages: HMP Highland will provide a fit-for-purpose community facing prison, which supports the Government's objective of reducing the risk of prisoners reoffending on release from custody. The approved OBC outlined that the total cost of the project is in the range of £98 million to £110 million and that it will be operational by July 2024.

Progress at September 2022: The project cost is now £139.5 million which is an increase in what was previously reported. This is due to the project being updated to reflect the inclusion of Net Zero Carbon measures into the design, certain other design development, longer delivery timescales and construction price inflationary pressures higher than previously forecast.

The programme delivery dates including the main construction start have been extended and it is now estimated that the project will be operational in February 2025 which is later that previously reported. This is due to redesign works required to adapt the design to meet updated operational requirements and new carbon emission targets.

A programme of advance works is proceeding.

Progress at March 2023: No change to cost since the last report.

The second stage contract award is anticipated in summer 2023 and the fully developed programme will be agreed at this point. Completion of the construction phase is now forecast to be spring 2025 with an operational date forecast for June 2025. This is later than previously reported and is due to redesign works required to adapt the design to meet updated operational requirements and new carbon emission targets.

Contact for public enquiries: email:

Project: National Facility for Women Offenders

Business case approved stages: New national facility in Stirling, which forms part of the

'Transforming Scotland’s care of women in custody' programme. The OBC outlined that the total cost was £53.2 million and that the project was to be operational in October 2020. The FBC for the project outlined that the total cost of the project will be £72.6 million and that it will be operational by February 2022.

Progress at September 2022: The project cost has increased to £81.8 million which is an increase from the £74 million previously reported in the March 2021 report. This is due to delays owing to the impact of COVID-19 and construction sector market and supply chain issues, labour shortages and design development.

The operational date is now June 2023 which is later than previously reported and which is due to ongoing prolongation of the programme for Phase 1. The construction completion date has been delayed as a result of material and labour shortages in the construction sector and re-planning of the complex commissioning stage. The operational date will be around three months after construction completion to allow for final preparations for occupation including staff training and situational planning.

Progress at March 2023: The cost projection has risen to £85.76 million due to the ongoing challenging market conditions. Timescales have not changed since the last report.

Contact for public enquiries: email:

Project: HMP Barlinnie Programme of Works

Business case approved stages: Refurbishment of Prisoner Reception and partial refurbishment of the existing Health Centre and additional works to improve healthcare facilities within the accommodation halls. The approved FBC outlined that the total cost of the project will be £7.7 million and that it will be operational by November 2022.

Progress at September 2022: No change to cost since last report.

Construction continues and operational date is now anticipated to be March 2023 which is later than previously reported. This is due to significant delays caused by labour shortages and additional work to existing fabric identified during refurbishment works (as reported in March 2022 update, the total cost of project is estimated at £9 million).

Progress at March 2023: No change to cost since last report.

Construction completed in April 2023 and project is now operational. This was later than previously reported and was due to delays caused by continued labour shortages and additional work to existing fabric identified during refurbishment works.

Contact for public enquiries: email:



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