
Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26: major capital projects progress update - September 2021

The following information relates to projects with a capital value of £5 million or more which are at the outline business case (or equivalent) approved stage or beyond.


Project - A77 Maybole Bypass

Business Case Approved Stages:

The Outline Business Case (OBC) outlined that the total project cost was £43 million, of which the contract value was estimated at £30 million. It was expected that the project would be operational in 2020.

The Full Business Case (FBC) outlines that the total project cost is £46 million with a contract value of £28.9 million. It is expected that the project will be operational in summer 2021, subject to any unforeseen circumstances such as exceptionally adverse weather (as stated in March 2020 report).

Contact For Public Enquiries:

Transport Scotand

Progress at March 2021

No change to cost or timing since the last report.

The main works construction contract is progressing and project completion is anticipated in winter 2021.

Progress at September 2021

No change to cost or timing since the last report.

Project - A92/A96 Haudagain Junction Improvement

Business Case Approved Stages:

The OBC outlined that the total project cost was £49.5 million, of which the contract value was £21 million (note that a significant proportion of the total cost was related to acquisition and demolition). It was expected that the project would be operational in 2020.

The FBC outlines that the total project is £49.5 million, of which the contract value is £18 million. It is expected that the project will be operational in 2021 subject to any unforeseen circumstances such as exceptionally adverse weather (as stated in March 2019 report).

Contact For Public Enquiries:

Transport Scotand

Progress at March 2021

No change to cost or timing since the last report.

The main works construction contract is progressing and project completion is anticipated in winter 2021.

Progress at September 2021

No change to cost or timing since the last report.

Project - A9 Luncarty to Pass of Birnam

Business Case Approved Stages:

The OBC outlined that the total project cost was £103.6 million, of which the contract value was anticipated to be £70 million. It was expected that the project would be operational in 2020.

The FBC outlines that the total project cost is £96 million with a contract value of £62 million including risk and contingency. It is expected that the project will be operational in 2021 subject to any unforeseen circumstances such as exceptionally adverse weather (as stated in September 2018 report).

Contact For Public Enquiries:

Transport Scotand

Progress at March 2021

No change to cost or timing since the last report.

The main works construction contract is progressing and project completion is anticipated in winter 2021.

Progress at September 2021

No change to cost or timing since the last report.

The project was opened to traffic in August 2021 and remains in construction as the contractor will continue with finishing and landscaping works until completion, which is anticipated in winter 2021.

Project - A9 Dualling Tomatin to Moy

Business Case Approved Stages:

Third project phase of A9 Dualling programme involves approximately six miles (9.6km) of online widening of existing single carriageway to an all-purpose dual carriageway, extending from existing dual carriageways to the south of Tomatin and to the north of Moy.

The OBC outlines that the project is estimated to cost £197 million and that it is planned to be operational in December 2025.

Contact For Public Enquiries:

Transport Scotand

Progress at March 2021


Progress at September 2021

The project is currently in procurement with construction estimated to commence December 2022.

Project - Edinburgh Glasgow Improvement Programme (EGIP)

Business Case Approved Stages:

Originally appraised as part of the overall EGIP Outline Business Case of December 2011 - AFC (Anticipated Final Cost) of £1.1 billion with delivery by December 2016.

Stirling Dunblane Alloa Rail (SDA) was subsequently appraised within the EGIP FBC (January 2014) which was predicated at a £93 million AFC for SDA with completion by December 2018.

Revenue funded but also included £40 million of associated capital costs.

Contact For Public Enquiries:

David Ray

Progress at March 2021

Work on site is now substantially complete and site demobilisation activities are expected to be finished by April 2021.

The Office of Rail and Road (ORR) confirmed to Network Rail that the key regulatory milestone for completion of work by 31 March 2020 was met and that the station was certified to enter service.

Network Rail estimate that the AFC is £870 million. The Transport Scotland funded cost is estimated at £860 million.

Progress at September 2021

Work on site is now complete and site was demobilised in August 2021.

Project - Stirling Dunblane Alloa Rail Electrification (SDA)

Business Case Approved Stages:

Originally appraised as part of the overall EGIP OBC of December 2012 - AFC (Anticipated Final Cost) of £1.1 billion with delivery by December 2016.

SDA was subsequently appraised within the EGIP FBC (January 2014) which predicated a £93 million AFC for SDA with completion by December 2016.

Revenue funded

Contact For Public Enquiries:

David Ray

Progress at March 2021

As confirmed in the March 2019 report, the programme completion date of December 2018 was achieved.

Network Rail have now concluded commercial discussions with their principal contractors. Completion of outstanding physical works was expected by late 2020 but were delayed by COVID-19 and are now anticipated July 2021. Once these actions are complete, the final cost (which will reflect the additional commercial and other costs) can be closed out and confirmed.

The AFC (Anticipated Final Cost) is £159 million (as stated in September 2017 report).

Progress at September 2021

Completion of outstanding physical works were completed July 2021.

Network Rail have declared final cost as £221 million, which represents an increase from the previously reported AFC of £159 million. This is due to a number of factors including re-estimation of project cost, increases in project scope, re-phasing of project programme, increase in the Contractor's contractually entitled costs and project prolongation costs.

Project - Highland Main Line Phase 2

Business Case Approved Stages:

The Anticipated Final Cost (AFC) was £56.7 million with infrastructure use by March 2019.

Revenue funded

Contact For Public Enquiries:

Darius Astell

Progress at March 2021

No change to cost since the last report.

Infrastructure works were completed by the regulated milestone of March 2019 (as stated in September 2019 report).

Enhanced passenger services will now be implemented if and when it is feasible to do so. The reasons for the continuing delay to the introduction in full of enhanced passenger services include the late delivery of the refurbished high-speed trains, the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on driver training and uncertainty over how quickly passenger demand will recover to its pre-COVID-19 level. In addition, there are also competing demands for enhanced freight services over the Highland Main Line.

The AFC is £56.7 million (as stated in March 2020 report).

Progress at September 2021

Due to the continuing uncertainty previously reported, a timeline for delivering the enhanced passenger services cannot be provided. Reporting on these services will now conclude and services will be implemented if and when it is feasible to do so.

The project works were completed by the regulated milestone of March 2019 and primarily focussed on Aviemore and Pitlochry and delivered work to remodel and extend tracks and upgrade signalling. The works will help facilitate reduced journey times of around 10 minutes and also enable potential improvements to the times of the first and last trains between Inverness and the Central Belt.

Project - Reston and East Linton Rail Stations

Business Case Approved Stages:

Delivery of two new fully accessible Rail Stations with car parks (Reston Station in the Scottish Borders and East Linton Station in East Lothian).

The OBC outlines that project is estimated to cost £35 million and that it is planned to be operational in December 2022.

Contact For Public Enquiries:

Alastair Camelford

Progress at March 2021


Progress at September 2021

The project is in construction and progressing as per programme.

Construction of Reston Station is underway and approaching completion with the Station planned to become operational in March 2022.

Construction of East Linton Station is due to commence in November 2021, with the Station planned to become operational in December 2022. We anticipate commencing the final FBC shortly following the recent granting of the planning consent for building East Linton Station.

Project - East Kilbride Rail Enhancement

Business Case Approved Stages:

Project is part of the East Kilbride and Barrhead Rail Enhancement scheme. The scheme will make rail services reliable, efficient and attractive to passengers and support modal shift whilst progressing against the Scottish Government’s target to decarbonising the rail network.

The OBC outlines that total project cost is estimated to be £100 million to £120 million and that it is estimated to be operational December 2024.

Contact For Public Enquiries:

Rhona Proctor

Progress at March 2021


Progress at September 2021

The project is progressing to programme and estimated to commence construction in July 2022.

Project - Levenmouth Rail project

Business Case Approved Stages:

Scheme will re-open the disused rail line between Thornton junction and Leven in Fife, providing new passenger rail services to connect the Levenmouth area to Fife, Edinburgh, and the wider rail network.

The OBC is predicated on a project cost estimate of £70 million and it is estimated to be operational by December 2023.

Contact For Public Enquiries:

Keavy O'Neill


Progress at March 2021


Progress at September 2021

Network Rail has continued to progress the detailed design work of a double track for the Levenmouth rail line. The design will deliver the provision of a two train per hour passenger service, 50mph double tracked railway and two new modern accessible stations at Cameron Bridge and Leven.

The project design will continue to be developed to FBC and further details will be provided at that stage.

Project - Dalcross Station

Business Case Approved Stages:

Project will provide a greener method for people to travel to Inverness Airport and help to enable transition to Net Zero Emissions and Environmental Sustainability.

The FBC outlines that the project is estimated to cost £39.6 million and that it is planned to be operational in December 2022.

Contact For Public Enquiries:

Darius Astell

Progress at March 2021


Progress at September 2021

The project commenced construction in October 2021 and is progressing to programme.

Project - Barrhead Rail Enhancement

Business Case Approved Stages:

Project is part of the East Kilbride and Barrhead Rail Enhancement scheme. This scheme is to decarbonise the corridors and to provide improved access to the rail network for the communities along these corridors. The scheme will make rail services reliable, efficient and attractive to passengers and support modal shift whilst progressing against Scottish Government’s target to decarbonising the rail network.

The FBC outlines that the total project cost is estimated to be £63 million and that it is planned to be operational in December 2023.

Contact For Public Enquiries:

Rhona Proctor

Progress at March 2021


Progress at September 2021

The FBC was approved on 7 September 2021. The project is estimated to commence construction in April 2022 and is progressing to programme.

Project - CMAL - Two new 100 metre ferries

Business Case Approved Stages:

Procurement commenced and Pre-Qualification Questionnaires were issued by CMAL (Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd) on 15 October 2014 with tender returns on 31 March 2015 and the Preferred Bidder announced on 31 August 2015.

The contract worth £97 million to build the two 100m ‘dual-fuel’ ferries for the Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Service (CHFS) was awarded on 16 October 2015. The first ferry was expected to be delivered in May 2018 with the second vessel following a few months later.

Contact For Public Enquiries:

Alistair Thomson

Progress at March 2021

No change to cost or timing since the last report.

The total estimated cost to complete the ferries remains at between £110.3 million and £114.4 million.

The total additional public expenditure over and above the original contract price remains at between £94.8 million and £98.8 million.

Delivery remains scheduled to be between April 2022 and June 2022 for the first vessel and between December 2022 and February 2023 for the second.

No change to cost since last report.

Progress at September 2021

The delivery of 801 is now scheduled to be between July 2022 and September 2022. The delivery of 802 is now scheduled to be between April 2023 and July 2023. This is later than previously reported. A shortfall in skilled labour and COVID-19 restrictions have resulted in a delay of approximately 15 weeks.



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