Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26: programme pipeline update - March 2022

This pipeline update provides information relating to the delivery of key major infrastructure programmes included at Annex D of our Infrastructure Investment Plan published in February 2021 and other ongoing key major infrastructure programmes included within previous updates.

Sector: Schools

Programme name: Learning Estate Investment Programme

Programme description: The programme will benefit around 50,000 pupils across Scotland. The programme will see more schools that are low emission, digitally enabled and better connected to their local communities.

Estimated total investment: £2 billion of infrastructure investment will be enabled (£1 billion from the Scottish Government with rest from Local Authorities).

How is programme being funded: 50/50 split between Scottish Government and local authorities.

Programme delivery timetable: All projects will be announced and funding allocated by 2026.

Latest programme progress: The first phase of school projects to benefit from funding through the Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP) was announced in September 2019. A second phase was announced in December 2020. Details of the schools can be found on the Scottish Government website at Learning Estate Investment Programme.

The first LEIP projects started construction during the summer of 2021.

In December 2021, we confirmed that Phase 3 of the LEIP will open to local authorities in 2022 and successful projects will be announced before the end of 2022.

Contribution to economic development: Investment in infrastructure is synonymous with economic growth. The LEIP is driving investment in new jobs in line with the Construction Industry Training Board published benchmarks for the education sector as well as providing Scotland's learners with facilities that help equip the workforce of the future.

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