
Infrastructure Investment Plan 2021-22 to 2025-26: programme pipeline update - March 2023

This pipeline provides information relating to key major infrastructure programmes with an investment of £20 million or more included at Annex D of our Infrastructure Investment Plan, published in February 2021.

Sector: Health

Programme name: National Treatment Centres

Programme description: New Diagnostic and Treatment Centres to allow people to be treated more quickly for planned surgery. The programme will encompass the provision of additional elective capacity across 10 National Treatment Centres (NTCs) in 9 Health Boards to cover the all-Scotland requirement out to 2035. This will require new build as well as refurbishment of existing infrastructure.

Estimated total investment: Over £600 million.

How is programme being funded: Capital funded.

Programme delivery timetable: Delivery of all units is expected to be completed by 2027.

Latest programme progress: The four NTC's currently in construction are estimated to be operational in 2023. The remaining NTC's are at various stages of development and are progressing. Projects in development are incorporating the policy requirement to be Net Zero Carbon buildings.

  • Golden Jubilee National Hospital's Phase 1 Ophthalmology Unit became operational in November 2020.
  • NTC - Fife became operational in March 2023.
  • NTC - Highland became operational in April 2023.
  • NTC - Forth Valley project to increase Elective Care capacity in NHS Forth Valley is under construction and is now estimated to be completed in August 2023.
  • Golden Jubilee National Hospital's Phase 2 is under construction and estimated to be operational in December 2023.
  • NTC - Ayrshire and Arran is progressing towards Full Business Case (FBC) submission which is expected to be submitted for review towards the end of spring 2023.
  • NTC – Tayside's Outline Business Case (OBC) development is progressing and is expected to be submitted for review towards the end of spring 2023.
  • NTC - Lothian at St John's Hospital in Livingston - OBC for the has been approved and NHS Lothian are in the process of developing their FBC.
  • NTC – Grampian has concluded a clinically led review of the scope of the project and is finalising an options appraisal process. Revised dates for the project plan are currently under development.
  • NHS Lothian's replacement for Edinburgh Eye Pavilion is now an integral part of NTC programme and NHS Lothian are working towards a FBC submission.
  • NTC - Lanarkshire project is at the early stage of planning and will progress towards an Initial Agreement.

Contribution to economic development: Each of the projects in development will utilise a Project Bank Account. The NTC programme will support at least 40,000 procedures and 1,500 new NHS jobs. Each project will provide a number of Community Benefits delivered as a requirement of the Principal Supply Chain Partners appointment.

Contact for public enquiries: email:

Programme name: eHealth

Programme description: HEPMA National Implementation Programme.

Estimated total investment: £24 million (2016-2025 with c£2.4 million still to be allocated).

How is programme being funded: Capital and revenue funded.

Programme delivery timetable: 2022-23 to 2024-25.

Latest programme progress: The implementation of HEPMA (Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration) has been ongoing for a number of years. A national Full Business Case (FBC) was produced and a national framework has been in place since 2016. Boards were tasked to look towards regional convergence which has been accepted as a significant challenge.

Due to the complexities involved, the regions (with the exception of the North) have moved towards a board-by-board roll-out with regional convergence as the longer term view. These complexities have led to significant delays in meeting the original FBC timeline and ultimately financial challenges due to the slow roll out. The launch of the Digital Health and Care Strategy has helped re-energise the programme with delivery across the county now being taken forward at pace. HEPMA has already been successfully implemented in six Health boards across Scotland and all remaining Health Boards all expected to roll it out by the end of 2025.

Contribution to economic development: The use of HEPMA can ensure the best value of public money by providing a range of benefits including accurate prescribing and administrations medicine, better communication between and within settings, greater consistency of clinical decision-making, better use of information, and improved use of medicines to enable transformation of clinical services and releasing staff time to care and efficiency.

Contact for public enquiries: email:



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