Infrastructure levy for Scotland: discussion paper - responses overview

This report summarises the general comments made in written responses to the discussion paper on an Infrastructure Levy for Scotland.


In total 84 written responses were received. All were from organisations, or from groups of individuals with a professional or academic interest in the issue. There were no responses from members of the public.

As with any public engagement exercise, it should be noted that those responding generally have a particular interest in the subject area. Therefore, the views they express cannot necessarily be seen as representative of wider public opinion, or of all bodies in a particular sector.

Respondents were allocated to one of eight sectors by the analysis team. A breakdown of the number of respondents by sector is provided below, and a list of all respondents is given at Annex B.

Respondents by sector

Development, Property & Land Management Sector & Agents 29 (24)
Infrastructure Provider 3
Local Government 22
Other Public Sector 11
Professional Representative Bodies 5
Renewable Energy 6
Third Sector 5
Other 3
Total 84(79)

“Local Government” includes local authorities and planning authorities, bodies representing multiple local authorities, and professional networks of their officers. “Professional Representative Bodies” covers bodies whose members work in both the public and private sectors.

Within the Development sector, 17 responses were part of a campaign, which repeated a set of general points included in the Homes for Scotland response. Some also made additional general points.

In terms of numerical analysis, the majority of these campaign responses were counted separately. However, 6 identical responses were received, purportedly from different companies within one group, but all from the group’s central email domain. These have been counted as a single response. The campaign is therefore treated as including 12 responses, and the Development category overall as including 24 responses.



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