
Initial destinations of senior phase school leavers

This presents data on initial destinations of school leavers from local authority and grant-aided schools in Scotland.

3. Leaver Initial Destinations by Deprivation

3.1 The next section presents a breakdown of results by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation ( SIMD) 2012.

Table 3: Positive initial destinations of school leavers by SIMD 2012 (2011/12 - 2015/16)

SIMD 2012 Quintile 2011/12 Percent positive 2012/13 Percent positive 2013/14 Percent positive 2014/15 Percent positive 2015/16 Percent positive
Quintile 1 (20 percent most deprived) 83.9 86.6 88.3 88.5 88.7
Quintile 2 87.5 89.5 90.5 91.7 92.1
Quintile 3 90.6 92.4 92.8 93.7 94.1
Quintile 4 93.2 94.2 94.5 94.9 95.3
Quintile 5 (20 percent least deprived) 95.1 95.7 96.5 96.3 96.6
All leavers 90.1 91.7 92.5 93.0 93.3

* Deprivation is measured by the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2012 based on the pupil's home post code from the pupil census. For more information see background note 5.2.5.

3.2. In 2015/16, 96.6 percent of senior phase school leavers from the 20 percent least deprived areas were in a positive initial destination compared to 88.7 percent of senior phase school leavers from the 20 percent most deprived areas.

3.3. For the most deprived 20 percent of senior phase school leavers, the percentage in a positive initial destination has increased 4.8 percentage points over the last five years (from 83.9 percent in 2011/12 to 88.7 percent in 2015/16). For the least deprived 20 percent of senior phase school leavers, the percentage in a positive initial destination has increased by 1.5 percentage points over the last five years (from 95.1 percent in 2011/12 to 96.6 percent in 2015/16).


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