
Sectoral marine plan - offshore wind for innovation and targeted oil and gas decarbonisation: initial plan framework

The Initial Plan Framework (IPF) outlines the process for development of the Sectoral Marine Plan for Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) Decarbonisation. The IPF also sets out the areas that will be used for future seabed leasing.

4 Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation – Spatial Parameters

4.1 In addition to the specification set out above, all projects must also comply with the spatial parameters as set out in this Initial Plan Framework. Due to the nature of the INTOG planning process, combining Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas Projects, these spatial parameters take the form of exclusions and areas designated for Targeted Oil and Gas projects. These areas are described below but can also be viewed and downloaded from Marine Scotland Maps (NMPi).[6]

4.2 In the map below, all Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation projects[7] must be fully located within the blue areas to the east of Scotland and the west of Shetland. These sites include:

  • Ea
  • Eb
  • NEa
  • NEb
  • NEc
  • NEd
  • WoSa
  • WoSb
  • WoSc

4.3 Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation projects will not be considered in any other location outside of those listed above in 4.2.

4.4 Innovation projects can be proposed in any location that is not set out above for Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation nor marked as an exclusion. Innovation projects located inside either of these designated areas will not be considered. Additionally, no projects proposed under INTOG should be considered if located inside the Plan Options identified for ScotWind.

4.5 As outlined in more detail in Section 6, it is not the intention of this planning process that all of these areas are utilised for Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation projects. Projects under this Plan will be limited to targeted development to meet the aims of the Plan and as described below, restrictions will be in place to limit the scope of individual projects and maximise delivery of wider strategic goals (such as the attainment of net zero and development of the blue economy taking into account Scotland's marine natural capital and other human activity in the sea) through this and further marine spatial planning exercises.

Figure 4: Initial Plan Framework Target Oil and Gas Areas Decarbonisation options and Exclusions.
Map of Initial Plan Framework Target Oil and Gas Areas Decarbonisation options and Exclusions.
Figure 5: Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation - East options
Map of Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation - East options.
Figure 6: Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation - North east options
Map of Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation - North east options.
Figure 7: Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation - West of Shetland options
Map of Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation - West of Shetland options.
Figure 8: INTOG Exclusions - areas where no activity will be considered
Map of INTOG Exclusions - areas where no activity will be considered.



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