
Innovation data baseline: final report

Independent consultant EKOS were commissioned to undertake a review of the methods for measuring the impacts of investments in innovation. The study is part of a wider programme of work - which primarily focuses on the innovation activities of the Enterprise and Skills agencies in Scotland.

3. Mapping Investment and Support

3.1 Introduction

Using the conceptual model presented in Figure 2.1, we can begin to map Scotland's innovation support against this framework. This is shown in Figure 3.1, via a series of examples and have also populated this framework with measures that could be used under each heading and within the overall theory of change (Figure 3.2).

While specific support has been allocated against one of the five categories, a case could be made for the inclusion of some elsewhere. This underlines the overlapping nature of the categories. It should also be noted that spend in other areas (not captured or considered specifically innovation activity) may also impact on the success of innovation projects (e.g. export promotion leading to sales of new products).

We have also maintained the Scottish Government categorisation of support activities into three headings:

Innovation and R&D Finance (agency spend of £331.3m);

Organisation, Capacity Building and Peer Support (£3.5m); and

Infrastructure (£14.2m).

Finally, the mapping also includes an indicative estimate of the total agency spend against each of the five categories.

Figure 3.1: Innovation Support Mapping (2018/19 examples)
Figure description below

Figure description:

This diagram maps the current landscape of innovation support, showcasing what support programs are in place for each stage of the innovation process. There is also a note of total spend in each stage of the innovation process; Knowledge Creation £244m, Innovation Capacity £3.6m, Knowledge Flows and Diffusion £35.4m, Innovation Development £30.5m and Application & Exploitation £0.6m.

Figure 3.2: Innovation Support - Headline Indicators
Figure description below

Figure description:

Show the headline indicators for Inputs, Activities, Outputs and Impacts for each of the 5 stages of innovation.

Developing this framework in more detail, Tables 3.1 to 3.5, over, present a set of measures that can be used to assess progress in each of the five domains of innovation support activity defined in the model. A number of key points can be taken from this summary:

  • while there are available sources of data against most of the measures, some are high level (macro) and do not relate directly to the investment and support provided by the agencies;
  • some of the data sources provide only a sample of data (e.g. REF) and others rely on forecast rather than actual figures;
  • there are some gaps, most notably in the measurement of productivity impacts arising from innovation support; and
  • given that failures would be expected across the model (as discussed above) there seems to be no source of data to capture the extent of these or how the 'spillover' knowledge gained from failure may inform/support future activity.
Table 3.1: Knowledge Creation Measures



Input Measures

HE Research Income:

  • UK Govt/ public agencies
  • Industry
  • Other

HE BCI Survey (HESA - under review)

SFC KE Metrics (under review)

TRAC data

HE Income and Expenditure (HESA)

Annual survey of HEIs

Annual Data on income and expenditure against full economic costs provided by HEIs

Number of research active staff in HEIs

Research Excellence Framework (REF)

HE Staff (HESA)

Every seven years

sample of research active staff in each HEI

Annual survey of HEIs

Number of research students (postgraduate)


Annual survey of HEIs

Business Enterprise on Research and Development (BERD)

Scottish Government via ONS

Annual survey of businesses

Gross Expenditure on Research and Development (GERD)

Scottish Government via ONS

Activity Measures

Investment by HEIs in research capacity/ infrastructure



Number of HE research projects

Research Excellence Framework (REF)

Every seven years

Sample of research activities in each HEI

Quality of HE research

Research Excellence Framework (REF)

Every seven years

Provides ratings by Unit of Assessment (discipline)

Output Measures[20]

No of academic research publications (including peer reviewed journals, books and book chapters and conference presentations)

Research Excellence Framework (REF)

Every seven years

Details samples by Unit of Assessment (discipline)

Impact Measures

HE Research Quality Ratings

Research Excellence Framework (REF)

Every seven years

Ratings by Unit of Assessment (discipline)

HE Research Impacts

Research Excellence Framework (REF)

Every seven years

Provides case studies and some limited data (eg no of spin out companies) by Unit of Assessment (discipline)

Table 3.2: Innovation Capacity Measures



Input Measures

Investment in innovation capacity building activities

Agency data on project expenditure

Available but not routinely reported in this way

Activity Measures

Number of innovation capacity building programmes

Agency data on project activities

Available but not routinely reported in this way

Output Measures

No of firms participating in innovation capacity building programmes

Agency data on programmes


No of firms participating in leadership development programmes

Agency data on programmes


Impact Measures

No of new innovation active firms

EU Community Innovation Survey (economy-wide and not for specific support programmes)

HIE innovation ladder

SE programme monitoring data




Increase in (firm) productivity

Not currently collected


Table 3.3: Knowledge Diffusion Measures



Input Measures

Investment in knowledge flows/ diffusion activities/ projects

Agency data on project expenditure

Available but not routinely reported in this way

Investment in collaborative R&D (companies)

Agency and project data may be available through ongoing monitoring

Data likely to be patchy

Activity Measures

No of HE/ Industry collaborative projects

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


No of business to business collaborative projects

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


Output Measures

No of firms involved in collaborative R&D/ innovation projects

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


No of HEIs involved in HE/ industry collaborative projects

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


HE income from collaborative and contract research

HE BCI Survey (HESA - under review)

SFC KE Metrics (under review)

Annual survey of HEIs

IP registrations (patents, disclosures, licences)

HE BCI Survey (HESA - under review)

Annual survey of HEIs

No of firms licensing technologies from HEIs



No of new products/ processes/ services developed

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


Impact Measures

R&D jobs created/ safeguarded

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


No of academic spin-outs

HE BCI Survey (HESA - under review)

Annual survey of HEIs

Sales from new products/ processes/ services developed

Some agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring

Ongoing but largely forecast data

Increase in (firm) productivity

Not currently collected


Table 3.4: Innovation Development Measures



Input Measures

Investment in innovation development projects

Agency data on project expenditure

Available but not routinely reported in this way

Leveraged industry investment in innovation projects

Agency monitoring data


Activity Measures

No of innovation projects:

  • Feasibility studies
  • Proof of concept
  • R&D/ Large R&D
  • Product development

Agency monitoring data


No of business to business collaborative projects

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


Output Measures

No of new products/ processes/ services developed

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


IP registrations (patents, disclosures, licences)

HE BCI Survey (HESA - under review)

Annual survey of HEIs

Follow on investment in R&D (BERD)

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


Impact Measures

R&D jobs created/ safeguarded

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring

Ongoing (some forecast data)


Agency data


Sales from new products/ processes/ services developed

Some agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring

Ongoing but largely forecast data

Increase in (firm) productivity

Not currently collected


Table 3.5: Application and Exploitation Measures



Input Measures

Investment in application and exploitation (e.g. marketing new product, export promotion, IP protection etc.)

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


Activity Measures

No of IP Audits

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


No of projects taking innovations to market



Output Measures

No of firms taking new products/ processes/ services to market

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


No of new products/ processes/ services launched on the market

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


IP registrations (patents, disclosures, licences)

HE BCI Survey (HESA - under review)

Annual survey of HEIs

Impact Measures

R&D jobs created/ safeguarded

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring


Sales from new products/ processes/ services developed

Agency and project data collected through ongoing monitoring

Ongoing but largely forecast data

Increase in (firm) productivity

Not currently collected




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