
Innovation data baseline: final report

Independent consultant EKOS were commissioned to undertake a review of the methods for measuring the impacts of investments in innovation. The study is part of a wider programme of work - which primarily focuses on the innovation activities of the Enterprise and Skills agencies in Scotland.


1. The Enterprise and Skills Strategic Board wishes to gain a better understanding of the impacts from investments made across the Enterprise and Skills system on Scotland's innovation performance. Therefore, for the purpose of this work, the term 'innovation support' includes investment in research as well as investments that are more narrowly focussed on business support.

2. Please note that the research is focused on historical innovation activity (pre-2020), therefore the South of Scotland Enterprise Agency was not included as part of the review. However, the recommendations presented would be applicable and relevant.

3. Research by the OECD and NESTA which suggests that innovation could account for between 25% and 50% of labour productivity gain, see the Innovate UK Blog

4. Scotland's Economic Strategy; Scottish Government Economic Action Plan; Scotland CAN DO

5. OECD Oslo Manual (2018)

6. See for example, Schumpeterian Profits in the American Economy: Theory and Measurement

7. The Innovation Centres Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Framework is an exception.

8. Building Scotland's Future Today, see SE's strategic Framework

9. National Performance Framework

10. Please note that there a number of programmes/projects that are delivered via Scottish Government, or where the Agencies simply act as a conduit/mechanism for allocating funding. This work was carried out by the Innovation and Enterprise Division of the Scottish Government.

11. This estimate is based on a combination of spending figures provided by the Agencies during the course of this study and figures extracted from an internal Scottish Government mapping exercise during 2019, which, based on Programme for Government activity, sought to provide an indication of the amount and distribution of business innovation spend across areas of government in 2018/19.' Please note that these exclude spending on City and Regional Deal projects.

12. SE also contributed £503,866 to the Innovation Centres Programme in 2018/19

13. Funding for the Industry/Academia Links Fund does not come from the SFC core budget. Rather, the funding is provided by the Scottish Government specifically for this programme.

14. See Innovate UK Blog - Productivity and innovation

15. Evidence synthesis on measuring the distribution of benefits of research and innovation, RAND Europe, 2017.

16. OECD Oslo Manual (2018)

17. A public good is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rivalrous, in that individuals cannot be excluded from use or could benefit from without paying for it, and where use by one individual does not reduce availability to others or the good can be used simultaneously by more than one person. Knowledge is an example of a public good.

18. For example, the Logan Review of the Scottish tech sector identified that the high failure rate of business start-ups is a key component of the tech eco-system - allowing entrepreneurs and innovators to gain experience/knowledge and promote resilience within future start-ups, see the Scottish Technology Ecosystem Review

19. Estimating Innovation Spillovers: an International Sectoral and UK Enterprise Study, Research Paper 178

20. Work is underway within Scottish Government to develop the range of measures that can be used to assess HE research and knowledge exchange activities in a way that can more comprehensively capture the range of outputs beyond traditional academic publications. These include, for example, knowledge exchange events, artistic and cultural outputs. The outcomes of this work could usefully inform a broader set of output measures for knowledge creation in the context of innovation support.

21. Research Excellence Framework (REF)

22. University Innovation Fund (UIF)

23. Higher Education Business and Community Interaction Survey (HE-BCI)

24. Innovation Centres (IC) Programme

25. Partners Memorandum of Understanding.

26. We have conducted a number of evaluations of Interface services and have always found the monitoring data to be robust and comprehensive.

27. A full version of Interfaces Final Report

28. SE strategic Framework

29. Qualitative Review and Analysis of SE's Large Grant Programmes, EKOS (2019)

30. Evaluation of SE R&D Grant Programme

31. The Economic Significance of the UK Science Base, UK-IRC

32. User Factor

33. Evaluation of SE R&D Grant Programme

34. HIE's Strategy and Vision

35. Higher Education and Innovation in the Creative Industries, EKOS (2017) for Creative Scotland and the Scottish Funding Council

36. Work is underway within Scottish Government to review the measures for university research

37. SFC call for evidence

38. For example, feedback identifies that SE measurement framework (2020/21) will no longer capture and report R&D jobs separately.



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