Inpatient census 2017: guidance and documentation for data suppliers

Guidance and documentation for data suppliers for the 2017 Inpatient Census.

Data for the censuses will be collected using ProcXed.Net

The technical documentation (template spreadsheet and XML schema) for both the main census and the Outwith NHS Provision census can be downloaded here.

Notes providing detailed guidance to the staff in NHS Boards who are responsible for providing the data for the censuses are also attached.

A list of Frequently Asked Questions relating to the censuses is available here: FAQs

A Privacy Impact Assessment has been carried out for this data collection - this can be accessed here: Privacy Impact Assessment

Suggested text for privacy notices, to inform patients of how their data will be used: Privacy Notices


For technical queries relating to the uploading of data to ProcXed, please contact:

Colin Gallacher
0131 244 0317

Keith McFerran
0131 244 2365


For any other queries relating to the census (e.g. with definitions or guidance notes) please contact:

Ellen Lynch
0131 244 4093

Guy McGivern
0131 244 5523  

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