Inpatient Census 2019: parts one and two

Results of the fifth Mental Health & Learning Disability Inpatient Census and Out of Scotland NHS Placements Census, 2019.


This report presents an overview of the results of the fifth 'Mental Health & Learning Disability Inpatient Bed Census' and the 'Mental Health, Addiction and Learning Disability Patients: Out of NHS Scotland Placements Census', carried out by the Scottish Government and NHS Boards as at 23:59, 28th March 2019. The Census is designed to provide an understanding of patients in mental health, addiction and learning disability beds who are funded by NHS Scotland at a point in time and for what reason.

The Census also enhances the Scottish Government's and NHS Scotland's understanding of mental health, addiction and learning disability services more generally and the patients using these services. This analytical evidence will inform policy development and service planning, both nationally and locally.

To enable further research and statistical analysis, extracts of the Census datasets may be made available to approved researchers.

Scope of Census

Following on from the first Census held in October 2014, a review of the scope, frequency and questions were undertaken by Scottish Government in collaboration with NHS Boards. This led to a number of differences between the 2014 Census and the 2016 Census. Most notably, a third part to the Census was introduced in 2016 in order to reduce duplication for NHS Boards. Each Census from 2016 up to and including the 2019 Census are broadly comparable.

Part 1: Mental Health and Learning Disability Inpatient Bed Census

Part 2: Mental Health, Addiction and Learning Disability Patients: Out of NHS Scotland Placements Census

Part 3: Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care & Long Stay Census (patients not occupying Mental Health, Addiction and Learning Disability Inpatient Beds)

Collectively, the three parts make up the Inpatient Census. This report covers Part 1 and 2 of the Inpatient Census. A separate report will be available late October 2019 covering Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care and Long Stay patients.

The underlying data used for this report has undergone extensive validation by NHS Boards and Scottish Government Statisticians and is therefore being published as Official Statistics. All figures are provisional and may be subject to change in future publications.

Accompanying data

An accompanying spreadsheet containing the data behind this report, as well as some summary information at NHS Board level is also available.

Staff in NHS Boards can also request access to more detailed analysis, which will be accessed through a secure online website. This will provide more graphical representations of the data, as well as the ability to drill down to hospital and ward level for the users' own health board. Access is granted by a nominated NHS Board authoriser. For more details please contact

Future plans for the Census

A repeat of the Census is intended to be carried out at the end of March 2020, and any methodological changes will be informed by this year's Census.



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