Inpatient experience survey 2016, volume 3: exploring differences in experience

This report explores the differences in self-reported experience of people who responded to the inpatient experience survey 2016.


This report explores differences in the self-reported experiences of different groups of people based on the 2015/16 Scottish Inpatient Experience Survey.

The survey covers seven specific areas of people's experience: admission to hospital; the hospital and ward; care and treatment; operations and procedures; hospital staff; arrangements for leaving hospital; and care and support services after leaving hospital.

This type of analysis will help our understanding of the differences in the healthcare service experiences between groups of patients and will assist in identifying where to target healthcare improvements.

The Inpatient Experience Survey is jointly supported by Scottish Government, Information Services Division ( ISD Scotland) [1] and NHS Boards. National results as well as individual reports for NHS Health Boards, including Golden Jubilee Foundation ( GJF), and hospitals were published on 30 August 2016, which can be found at the following link:

The Inpatient Experience Survey is one of a suite of national surveys which are part of the Scottish Care Experience Survey Programme. The surveys aim to provide local and national information on the quality of health and care services from the perspective of those using them. They allow local health and care providers to compare with other areas of Scotland and to track progress in improving the experiences of people using their services.

Information about the other national care experience surveys is available at:


A statistical technique was used to allow all available characteristics to be taken into account that may have an effect on the likelihood of someone reporting a positive experience. This approach does not look at one factor in isolation but takes into account all other patient characteristics which may have an effect. Further details on the methodology used for this analysis can be found at the following link:

Analysis was performed on the experience questions based on the range of characteristics detailed in Table 1. Some of the variables have been grouped together due to small sample sizes such as religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation. For each characteristic, response options were compared against a reference group, such as males were compared to females, and these are detailed in Table 1.

It is important to note that it is difficult to explain differences in experience as variation is a complex issue. The variation reported here could reflect real intergroup differences in the services received; or intergroup differences in subjective factors such as expectations or perceptions; or a combination of both.

The analysis identified differences in the experiences of patients from different groups, however, due to the complexity of the findings readers are advised to consider overall patterns and avoid over-interpretation of the individual results.

The report focuses on the results that are statistically significantly at the 5% level.

Table 1: Characteristics used for the analysis

Characteristic Response option % Respondents Reference group
Gender Male 43 Female
Female 57
Age 16-24 2 16-24
25-34 3
35-44 5
45-54 12
55-64 19
65-74 26
75+ 33
Ethnicity White 98 White
Non-white 2
Religion No religion 24 No religion
Christian 74
Other religions 1
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual/Straight 97 Heterosexual/Straight
Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Other 3
Health Status Good 43 Good
Fair 43
Poor 14
Day-to-day activity Not limited 34 Not limited
Limited a little 32
Limited a lot 34
Interpreting and communication needs No 99 No
Yes 1
Pre-existing health condition No pre-existing health condition 32 No pre-existing health condition
Physical disability 25
Chronic pain lasting at least 3 months 21
Another long-term condition 40
Mental Health condition 8
Deafness or severe hearing impairment 11
Blindness or severe vision impairment 4
Learning disability 2
More than one long term health condition 29
Hospital admission Planned 36 Planned
Emergency 60
Something else 4
Operation/Procedure needs Did not have an operation or procedure 46 Did not have an operation or procedure
Did have an operation or procedure 54
Hospital type Teaching 27 Teaching
Community 10
Long stay 6
General 10
Large General 42
Other 5
Urban/Rural Large urban areas 27 Large urban areas
Other urban areas 32
Accessible small town 10
Remote small town 7
Accessible rural 12
Remote rural 12
SIMD 2016 [2] SIMD 1 (Most deprived) 18 SIMD 1 (Most deprived)
SIMD 2 21
SIMD 3 23
SIMD 4 21
SIMD 5 (Least deprived) 17


Email: Nicola Kerr

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