Inpatient experience survey 2016, volume 3: exploring differences in experience

This report explores the differences in self-reported experience of people who responded to the inpatient experience survey 2016.

Results - Care And Support Services


The survey results show that 81 per cent of people were positive about the care and support services they received after leaving hospital.

Eleven characteristics investigated indicated a significant impact on differences seen in responses relating to people's experience of the care and support services they received after leaving hospital.

In general, older people and males are significantly more positive whereas people who reported fair or poor health; pre-existing health conditions or that they require help with communication are significantly more negative about the care and support services received.

Care and support service

Three of the survey questions relate to people's experience after they have left hospital with care and support services. Eleven of the 14 characteristics investigated are associated with the variation seen for these questions (Figure 10).

Figure 10: Number of questions affected by various characteristics - Care and support services

Figure 10: Number of questions affected by various characteristics – Care and support services

All characteristics related to these questions are detailed in Table 17. People who need an interpreter or help to communicate are significantly more negative than those who do not need help to communicate, for all questions asked on care and support services.

Table 17: Significant response compared to reference group - leaving hospital




Have to stay in hospital longer than expected to wait for your care or support services to be organised

Had an operation;
Age 65-74

Emergency and something else admissions;
Poor health;
Day-to-Day activity limited a little and a lot;
Need an interpreter

Feel the care and support services that were right


Fair and poor health;
chronic pain lasting at least 3 months, mental health, more than one long term health condition;
Need an interpreter

Overall, rate care or support services after leaving hospital

Age 55-75+;
Community hospitals

More than one long term health condition;
Need an interpreter;


Email: Nicola Kerr

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