
Inner Sound of Skye inshore fisheries pilot: consultation

We are seeking views on revised proposal for fisheries management measures in the Inner Sound of Skye.

1. The Proposer

The North West Responsible Fishing Association, Torridon and Applecross Fishermen's Association, and Scottish Scallop Divers Association.

2. Analysis of Fishing Activity Data

Data collated by Marine Scotland Compliance from sales notes and EU logbooks as well as records from the iFISH database and VMS data from vessels in relation to information on fishing activity has been used in the compilation of the analysis of fishing activity in the Inner Sound of Skye available at Annex A of this consultation.

The analysis offers an indication of current fishing activity within the proposed area, including fisheries that may be impacted.

This analysis also provides information to inform the design of eligibility criteria for access to the 'trawl fishing control area' and is set out for your consideration at Annex B.

3. Aims of the Proposal

The proposal introduces new fisheries management measures in addition to the current six-month prohibition in place on mobile gear fishing within the Inner Sound of Skye with an aim to:

  • trial the separation of mobile and static gears in the Proposed Area;
  • introduce local management arrangements for the Nephrops creel fishery.

The Restricted Area

Figure 1

Figure 1

Figure 1 above shows the Southern Inner Sound area, where a six-month prohibition on the use of mobile gear is currently in place from 1 October to 31 March each year.[1]

4. Monitoring of the Pilot

An Inner Sound Fisheries Management Advisory Group, will be established to inform the design, implementation and monitoring of the pilot. The group will be representative of those who currently fish in the Inner Sound and be closely aligned with the West Coast Regional Inshore Fisheries Group.

5. Proposed Benefits

The overall goal of the proposal is to develop a more prosperous and low-impact local Nephrops fishery in the Inner Sound of Skye that will help to better inform the understanding of different management approaches for the Scottish Nephrops fisheries.

The proposers believe that the pilot may demonstrate:

  • An increase in revenues generated from the static gear fisheries.
  • A decrease in gear conflict.
  • An increase in employment.
  • Environmental benefits, including a decrease in benthic disturbance, by-catch and discards of non-target species.
  • Reduce the pressure on adjacent Marine Protected Areas from creel vessels that are displaced annually when the Inner Sound is open to mobile gear fishing.

(1) Consultation Questions – Proposed Benefits

What is your view on these proposed benefits?

Do you agree that the establishment of a pilot management group is the most effective way of managing and monitoring progress of the pilot and appraisal of the benefits?


Email: Inshore Fisheries and Coastal Communities Team

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