
Inner Sound of Skye inshore fisheries pilot: consultation

We are seeking views on revised proposal for fisheries management measures in the Inner Sound of Skye.

Annex A

Estimation Of Fishing Activity In The Inner Sound

The analysis contained within this annex offers an indication of current fishing activity within the proposed area, including fis1heries that may be impacted.

Data forming part of this analysis has been collated by Marine Scotland Compliance from sales notes and EU logbooks as well as records from the iFISH database and VMS data from vessels in relation to information on fishing activity.

Nephrops caught by demersal single trawl

The proposed management measures for mobile gear fishing in the Inner Sound would have the greatest impact on those 12 metre-and-under registered length vessels that target Nephrops by trawl from 1 April to 30 September each year when fishing of this type is permitted (and, to a lesser extent, vessels targeting scallops by dredge during the same period).

The closed area covers ICES statistical rectangles 43E3 and 43E4, with the majority of the area lying within 43E4. Figure A.1 shows the estimated area of fishing activity by trawl vessels under 12 metres in length with a Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) within these ICES rectangles.

Figure A.1: Nephrops trawl fishing activity by vessels with a registered length of under 12 metres (95% volume contour of VMS at fishing speeds, April to September 2013-16)

Figure A.1: Nephrops trawl fishing activity by vessels with a registered length of under 12 metres (95% volume contour of VMS at fishing speeds, April to September 2013-16)

It highlights that important Nephrops trawling grounds in 43E4 are located inside the closed area. It also indicates that, where voyages had VMS-indicative effort in 43E4 and landed into Kyle or Portree, 90% had fishing activity exclusively within the proposed area.

It is important to note that not all 12 metre-and-under vessels are equipped with VMS. We are reliant on recorded landings data for vessels without VMS as an indicator of the spatial distribution of their fishing activity. Trawl landings by under 12 metre vessels into Kyle and Portree from 43E4 are used as an estimate of the landings by these vessels from the proposed management area.

Within the proposed pilot area, there were no recorded landings by trawl vessels from 43E4 into other local ports (Broadford, Applecross or Carron) during the relevant period. Data held by Marine Scotland also indicates that activity within the proposed area by vessels landing into Mallaig was very limited.

Estimated value of fishery

During the period 2011-17, 22 vessels with a registered length of under 12 metres recorded voyages with demersal trawls in 43E4 between the months of April to September and landed into Kyle and Portree. As Figure A.2 shows, the number of trawl vessels fishing each year has steadily increased – from four vessels in 2011 to 11 vessels in 2017.

Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Vessels 4 5 3 6 7 9 11

Figure A.2: Number of mobile vessels targeting Nephrops in the Inner Sound (2011-17)

The relative importance of the Inner Sound to these vessels can be highlighted by looking at the number of years fished in the area. As Figure A.3 shows, out of the 22 vessels that recorded landings during 2011-17, 10 fished in only one of the seven years in question. Of the 12 other vessels, the majority fished in either two or three years, with only three fishing in four or more years.

Years fished 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Vessels 10 5 4 2 0 1 0

Figure A.3: Number of years that mobile vessels targeting Nephrops in the Inner Sound have fished in the area (2011-17)

The tonnage landed from the Inner Sound by these vessels is shown in Figure A.5. This shows that the tonnage varies throughout the 2011-17 period – decreasing from 2011-13 but increasing in subsequent years, with a significant increase in 2017.

Figure A.5: Nephrops landings by mobile vessels from 43E4 into Kyle and Portree (tonnage and value 2011-17)

Figure A.5: Nephrops landings by mobile vessels from 43E4 into Kyle and Portree (tonnage and value 2011-17)

To understand the relative importance of the closed area to this group of vessels, Figure A.6 compares the above against Nephrops landings made by these vessels during 1 April to 30 September each year from outside 43E4. It shows that Nephrops from the Inner Sound do not exceed 15% of this group's total catch from April to September during the 2011-17 period.

Figure A.6: Comparison of Nephrops landed from 43E4 by mobile vessels against Nephrops landed elsewhere by these vessels (tonnage, April to September 2011-17)

Figure A.6: Comparison of Nephrops landed from 43E4 by mobile vessels against Nephrops landed elsewhere by these vessels (tonnage, April to September 2011-17)

Estimated value of Nephrops caught by creel

To estimate the value of creel landings from the relevant area, all landings recorded as being made from 43E4 into Portree and harbours within the closed area (Applecross, Broadford, Carron, Kyle) have been included (as above with demersal trawls).

Figure A.6: Comparison of Nephrops landed from 43E4 by mobile vessels against Nephrops landed elsewhere by these vessels (tonnage, April to September 2011-17)

Figure A.7: Nephrops landed by creel from 43E4 into relevant ports (tonnage and value 2011-17)

A total of 67 vessels recorded landings of creel-caught Nephrops from 43E4 during the period 2011-17 when mobile fishing is permitted from 1 April to 30 September. Figure A.7 and shows that tonnage has generally increased from 2014, but with a marked drop in value in 2017.

Estimated value of catch by mechanical dredge

Based on VMS data linked to logbook data, 17 vessels recorded voyages with mechanical dredges in the proposed area during the 2011-17 period. These data can be used to provide an estimate of tonnage of scallop landings from the area, as shown in Figure A.8 below.

Figure A.8: Scallops landed by dredge from proposed Inner Sound pilot area (tonnage and value 2011-17)

Figure A.8: Scallops landed by dredge from proposed Inner Sound pilot area (tonnage and value 2011-17)

To give an indication of the relative importance of landings from the closed area by those 17 vessels that have been active within the area in recent years, Figure A.9 compares the tonnage landed within and outwith the proposed area by these vessels. Please note that it only covers landings made between 1 April and 30 September of each year.

Figure A.9: Comparison of scallops landed from proposed Inner Sound area by dredge vessels against scallops landed from other areas by these vessels (tonnage, April to September 2011-17)

Figure A.9: Comparison of scallops landed from proposed Inner Sound area by dredge vessels against scallops landed from other areas by these vessels (tonnage, April to September 2011-17)

Estimated value of scallops caught by hand-diving

As with creel fishing, landings recorded as being made from 43E4 and landed into Portree and harbours within the closed area (Applecross, Broadford, Carron, Kyle), have been included to estimate the value of the hand-dived fishery.

Figure A.10: Scallops landed by hand-diving from 43E4 into relevant ports (tonnage and value 2011-17)

Figure A.10: Scallops landed by hand-diving from 43E4 into relevant ports (tonnage and value 2011-17)

A total of 11 vessels recorded landings of hand-dived scallops from 43E4 when mobile fishing is permitted from 1 April to 30 September during the period 2011-17. Figure A.10 shows how the tonnage of landings fluctuates throughout the period.


Email: Inshore Fisheries and Coastal Communities Team

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