
Fair Start Scotland employability service - year 4: online survey results

Findings from a series of three short online surveys with participants of Fair Start Scotland (FSS) employability service. Surveys focused on experiences of in-work support, of re-joining FSS and on support for parents. The report covers year 4 (April 2021 to March 2022) of FSS.

Appendix 2: Survey questions

Survey 1: In-work Support

Q1 What types of in-work support did you receive to support you to remain and progress at work? Please select as many as apply to you:

  • A dedicated key worker
  • One to one appointments with regular support and contract from the key worker
  • Development of an In-work Support Action Plan
  • Support with workplace induction
  • Financial guidance
  • Discussion about how start work will impact your benefit entitlements and the possible in-work benefits
  • Given information about travel options to and from work
  • Payment to cover travel costs to and from work in the first weeks after starting on a job
  • Payment to help buy work clothes
  • Key worker assisted with monthly workplace reviews with your employer
  • Helped me to deal with an issue or a concern I had while at work
  • Assisted with a workplace adjustment and/or helped with accessibility issue
  • Provided with support for training at workplace (for example: helped to find training I needed for work)
  • Help facilitate workplace relationships (for example: helped with talking to the manager on my behalf)
  • An exit plan for leaving the Fair Start Scotland service
  • I was offered in-work support but I did not take it up
  • I was not offered any type of in-work support
  • I don't remember
  • Prefer not to say
  • Other, please tell us what

Q2 What made you decide not to take up an offer of in-work support? Please select as many as apply to you:

  • I didn't feel that the types of support offered would help me
  • I didn't feel that the types of support offered were adapted to my needs
  • I only needed support with finding a job
  • I didn't get enough information on what types of in-work support were available
  • Other, please tell us what

Q3 Overall, do you think that the in-work support helped you to remain and/or progress in work?


Q4 How has the in-work support you received helped you stay in work (optional)?

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Q5 Since you started work, have you (select one only):

  • Been in work for less than 3 months
  • Been in work at least 3 months but less than 6 months
  • Been in work for at least 6 months but less than a year
  • Been in work for a year or longer
  • I have since stopped working
  • I have been in and out of work
  • Prefer not to say
  • Other, please tell us what:

Q6 Since you started work has your income from working increased? Please select as many as apply to you:

  • Yes, since I started my hourly rate increased
  • Yes, since I started work the number of hours I work increased
  • Yes, I got a pay rise
  • Yes, my income from working increased for another reason
  • No, my income from working has stayed the same
  • No, my income from working has decreased
  • No, I have since stopped working and I'm now looking for another job
  • No, I have since stopped working and I'm not looking for another job at the moment
  • Prefer not to say
  • Don't know
  • Other, please tell us what:

Q7 Is there anything the service could have done better to support you once you started work?


Q8 What could the service do better to support you once you started work?

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Q9 Do you have any other comments about the service that you would want us to know about? (optional)

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Survey 2: Experiences of re-joining the service

Q1 Why did you choose to re-join the service? Please select as many as apply to you:

  • My job ended and I need help to find a new one
  • Due to personal reasons I was no longer able to participate in the service but now feel ready to rejoin
  • Due to physical health reasons I was no longer able to participate in the service but now feel ready to re-join
  • Due to mental health reasons I was no longer able to participate in the service but now feel ready to re-join
  • Due to caring responsibilities I was no longer able to participate in the service but now feel ready to re-join
  • Now that Covid restrictions have been removed, I want to start looking for a job again
  • I did not feel ready to begin work last time but hope I will be ready to find and start a job this time
  • I just need a little more support to help me find a job
  • I did not find the service useful last time but hope this time it will be better
  • I was not aware that I had been referred to or involved with Fair Start Scotland before
  • I completed my University/College/training course
  • Prefer not to say
  • Don't know
  • Other, please tell us what

Q2 Have you noticed any change or differences to the Fair Start Scotland service being delivered since you re-joined?

Yes/No/Hard to say or don't know

Q3 What changes have you noticed to the service since you re-joined?

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Q4 Is there anything that Fair Start Scotland could do better to support you into finding and staying in work? Please tell us what (optional)

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Q5 Do you have any other comments about the service that you would want us to know about? (optional)

Survey 3: Parents Experiences

Q1 Overall, to what extent do you think the support you received from the service helped you with starting and staying in work?

Helped a lot/Helped somewhat/Helped a little/Made no difference/Hard to say or don't know

Q2 What did you find most helpful in terms of the support you received (optional)?

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Q3 Is there anything Fair Start Scotland could do better to support you into finding and staying in work? Please tell us what (optional)

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Q4 Is there anything that the service could do better to support PARENTS in particular? Please tell us what (optional)

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Q5 Do you have any other comments about the service that you would want us to know about? (optional)

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