
Early learning and childcare and school age childcare services inspection: consultation analysis

The analysis report of the consultation on inspection of early learning and childcare and school age childcare services in Scotland.

Appendix C Draft Vision and Principles

Draft Vision

The draft vision as outlined in the consultation document was described as:

“High quality early learning and childcare and school age childcare experiences are critical to giving children the best possible start in life. Inspection of ELC and school age childcare services encourages and empowers settings, practitioners and teachers to continually improve their service for the benefit of the children in their care, including through self-evaluation. It provides independent assurance to families and stakeholders, and supports settings to provide consistent, high quality services and experiences for all children. It takes a collaborative approach between the inspectorates, settings, practitioners and teachers, and respects children’s rights. Quality expectations for settings are clear, consistent, evidence-based and proportionate.”

Guiding Principles

The guiding principles, as outlined in the consultation document, are outlined below:

The Scottish Government believes that the approach to inspection of ELC and school age childcare services should:

1. Support our National Outcomes and improve children’s life chances through the provision of high quality services, to ensure that our children’s rights are respected, they grow up loved and safe, and can realise their full potential

2. Provide clarity to settings, practitioners and parents and carers on what standards they can expect and the roles and responsibilities of key agencies in delivering them

3. Support consistency in outcomes across services so that all children and families experience high quality provision, regardless of where it is accessed

4. Support continuous improvement within individual settings and add value to the delivery of services, including through building on settings’ use of self-evaluation

5. Support collaboration and professional dialogue between providers, practitioners, teachers and staff working in settings, inspection bodies and local authorities

6. Listen to and take account of the views, experiences and needs of children and families

7. Be adaptable to respond to evidence and new policy developments

8. Be efficient, avoiding duplication and eliminating unnecessary bureaucracy for providers.



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