HM Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland: annual report 2018-2019

The annual report for the Inspectorate of Prosecution in Scotland for 2018-2019.

Annex A

49. The Inspectorate's budget for 2018-19 was £350,000. The expenditure was as follows:

Staff costs* 304,621
Subsistence and motor mileage 34
Printing and binding 2,073
Travel and accommodation 3,625
Hospitality 135
Conference fees 1,391
Other running costs 7,742
Total £319,621

*No member of staff earned in excess of £150,000.

50. The staff of the Inspectorate during the period of the report consisted of the Chief Inspector, an Assistant Inspector, a Legal Inspector, a Business Inspector and a Personal Assistant.

Freedom of Information requests (FOI)
51. We publish FOI information and all our reports on our website. During 2018-19, we received four Freedom of Information requests and responded within the required timescale.

Complaints process
52. Our Complaints Handling Procedure is published on our website and seeks to resolve any dissatisfaction as quickly as possible and where necessary to conduct thorough, impartial and fair investigations of complaints. Our Complaints Handling Procedure does not extend to individual complaints about operational decisions relating to specific cases. These should be addressed to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (



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