
The Integrated Administration and Control System: guidance

These notes tell you about the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) 2008.

The Integrated Administration And Control System ( IACS) 2008


These notes tell you about the Integrated Administration and Control System ( IACS) 2008. Please read them carefully so you understand what you need to do.

Contact your Scottish Government Rural Payments and Inspections Directorate area office if you need more information, or visit Our staff can only give you general guidance, not specific business advice. If you have any doubts, ask a professional adviser for help.

Main Changes

  • The LFASS 2008 claim is on the IACS (2). Please read Annex 3.
  • Compulsory set-aside rate for 2008 will be 0%. You can claim all crops eligible for Single Farm Payment on land you are claiming against your set-aside entitlements. To receive payment on set-aside entitlements that land must be set-aside eligible.
  • The crops eligible to be claimed under SFPS have changed. Please see information note enclosed in your pack.
  • The Energy Crop Scheme has changed. If you are processing crops on your holding you will now have to use all these crops on your holding. Please read Annex 1.
  • We have requested a further breakdown of dairy and beef cattle under six months old on the IACS (2). We need this to calculate the stocking density of participants in health and welfare plans under the LMCMS.

New crop codes

  • Code SAAP- A should be used to identify arable crops being produced on set-aside eligible land you are claiming against your set-aside entitlements.
  • Code SAAP- F should be used to identify forage being produced on set-aside eligible land you are claiming against your set-aside entitlements.
  • Code SAAP - PROT should be used to identify protein crops on which you wish to claim PCP & set-aside entitlements.
  • Code LIEM should be used where SFPS is being claimed on agri-environmental options that are ineligible for LFASS.
  • Code UCL should be used for unclaimed land that no other crop code describes.
  • Code NURS should be used to identify some nursery crops.
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