
Best Start Grant - interim evaluation: qualitative research (annex B)

Qualitative research supporting the findings from the interim evaluation of the Best Start Grant.

Appendix A - Project Information Sheet

Evaluation of the Best Start Grant
Information Sheet

Hello! We work for an organisation called ScotCen Social Research. We would like to talk to you about your experience of receiving a Best Start Grant (BSG).

Why is this research being carried out?

Over the last year the Scottish Government started offering the Best Start Grant to parents and carers[n] with young children who are in receipt of certain benefits or tax credits[o]. The Best Start Grant has three payments:

  • Pregnancy and baby payment
  • Early years payment
  • School age payment

As this is the first year this grant has been available, the Scottish Government would like to understand what recipients have used their grant for and what impact the grant has had. Best Start Foods is not being covered in this evaluation. To ensure that the research is independent, the Scottish Government has funded ScotCen to undertake this research.

Who is carrying out this research?

ScotCen has been commissioned by the Scottish Government to carry out this research. ScotCen is an integral part of NatCen Social Research, Britain’s leading centre for independent social research. We have no political affiliations or shareholders and have an international reputation for delivering high quality research.

Why have you chosen me?

As a person in receipt of a BSG payment we believe you could provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the grant and share your experiences of it.

Why should I take part?

Sharing your views on the effectiveness of the BSG may help improve the service. Taking part is completely voluntary, but we do hope you will get involved.

What will taking part involve?

You are being asked to take part in an interview conducted by a trained ScotCen researcher. The interview will last 45-60 minutes. The interview would take place over the phone.

With your permission, the discussion will be audio recorded using encrypted recorders, safely stored and transcribed to help us with the analysis. Only the research team will have access to the recording and the transcript.

Everyone who takes part in an interview will receive a £30 Love2Shop voucher.

Taking part is voluntary, and you won't have to answer any questions you do not want to. You can withdraw at any time without giving a reason. There will be no consequences if you chose not to participate.

If you would like to take part in an interview, all you need to do is contact [named staff members] (details below). Please note, that we may not be able to interview everyone who expresses an interest in taking part in an interview.

Is the interview confidential?

Yes. We will treat information you give us in the strictest confidence under the Data Protection Act 2018 and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The results collected are used for research purposes only and no one will be able to identify you in any way.

What will happen to any information I give?

We will use information collected from this research to write a report for the Scottish Government. The information you provide will be treated confidentially and used only for the purpose of the research described above and will be securely deleted after the completion of the study. The research team will not pass your personal details to anybody without your permission. No information that would make a person identifiable will be passed on to the Scottish Government.

What next?

If you are able to take part in an interview or you have any questions, all you need to do is contact:

Email: <details removed>

Tel: <details removed

Address: ScotCen, Scotiabank House, 6 South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4AW



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