Best Start Grant: interim evaluation

Findings from the interim evaluation of Best Start Grant.


1. Scottish Government (2019) Devolved benefits: evaluating the policy impact

2. One interview was conducted face-to-face before the coronavirus-related restrictions and guidelines on social distancing came into force.

3. Full "lockdown" related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was announced from 23 March 2020

4. Updated estimates for take-up of BSG will be part of the next version of the Benefit Take-up Strategy in October 2021

5. Further data is also set out in Annex A: Additional Statistical Information

6. These figures will differ slightly from the "applications authorised" in the published statistics because of the lag in issuing payment.

7. Read more about SIMD (Scottish Multiple Index of Deprivation) here:

8. Child Poverty Statistics are available at:



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