
National Trauma Training Programme - local delivery trials: interim evaluation

This interim evaluation report presents learning from a process evaluation of the National Trauma Programme local delivery trials.

Delivery Trial Sites

The three Delivery Trials Sites in Argyll and Bute, Glasgow and Midlothian were established in Summer 2019 to test out a range of approaches to implementing the delivery of high quality and sustainable trauma training in differing contexts. They were to last a period of 6-12 months and were to receive support from NES including delivery of local roadshows (high volume awareness and delivery events), STILT and advice on needs assessment and evaluation. The Delivery Trial Sites shared £120K funding and were encouraged to work with/include third sector training delivery partnerships where possible. The Delivery Trial Sites were expected to build on existing local approaches for trauma informed practice and identify where there were gaps in trauma informed service provision. Sites were to ensure that appropriate coaching and supervision structures were in place for staff beyond the initial trial period. In addition, they were expected (with support from the externally commissioned process evaluation) to embed monitoring and evaluation processes in their plans and consider quality improvement (QI) activities that would inform scaling-up training provision. Finally, they were also required to develop communication and dissemination processes so that learning could inform any future roll out of the NTTP.



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