
National Trauma Training Programme - local delivery trials: interim evaluation

This interim evaluation report presents learning from a process evaluation of the National Trauma Programme local delivery trials.


1 National Trauma Training Programme

2 National Trauma Training Progamme Knowledge and Skills Framework

3 National Trauma Training Programme Trauma Training Plan

4 Scottish Government news release on local delivery trial

5 Better Evaluation

6 Theories of Change and Realistic Evaluation

7 Trauma Informed Care and Practice Organisational Toolkit (TICPOT

8 Creating Cultures of Trauma Informed Care

9 Centre of Health Care Strategies

10 Trauma-responsive Organisational Cultures: How safe and supported do employees feel?

11 Taken from KSF - from slide used at Implementation Masterclass, Dublin Mat 2011 by Karen Blasé and Dean Fisher

12 Trauma Transformed

13 When using the term people with lived experience in this report we are we are referring to people who are explicitly identifying themselves as trauma experienced and who share their experience/expertise as a result of this.

14 National Strategy to address Domestic Abuse in Scotland. Scottish Partnership on Domestic Abuse (2000)

15 World Health Organisation (WHO) (2002) World Report on Violence and Health WHO Geneva

16 Komarovskaya, I.R., Booker-Loper, A., Warren, A. & Jackson, S. (2011) Exploring gender differences in trauma exposure and emergence of symptoms of PTSD among incarcerated men and women Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology 22(3), 395-410

17 Read, J., Goodman, L. & Morrison, A et al (2005) Childhood trauma, psychosis and schizophrenia: A literature review with theoretical and clinical implications Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 112, 330‐350

18 Kirkpatrick et al (2013) National estimate of exposure to traumatic events and PTSD prevalence using DSM-IV and DSM-V criteria Journal of Traumatic Stress 26(5) 537-547.

19 Making sense of complexity in context and implementation: the Context and Implementation of Complex
Interventions (CICI) framework

20 The influence of contextual factors on healthcare quality improvement initiatives: a realist review

21 Trauma informed practice training needs assessment

22 Kirkpatrick, D l. Evaluation. In R.L. Craig, & L.R. Bittel (Eds.) Training & Development Handbook. American Society for Training and Development 1996, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co

23 Mery G, Dobrow MJ, Baker GR, et al Evaluating investment in quality improvement capacity building: a systematic review.BMJ Open 2017;7: e012431.

24 Tamkin, P, Yarnall, J & Kerrin, M, Kirkpatrick and beyond-a review of training evaluation

25 Systematic review of evaluations of trauma informed organisational interventions that include staff training

26 What are effective strategies for implementing trauma informed care in youth patient psychiatric and
residential treatment settings?



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