
Interim Gypsy/Traveller site design guide

Guide to assist public sector providers of Gypsy/Traveller sites to design and provide high quality accommodation that meets their needs.

8. More Sources of Information

During our discussions with Gypsy/Travellers over summer 2021 we showed them some pictures from Places We're Proud Of. Below are some of their reactions:

People really liked this design of amenity block because its open plan and the windows give a good view out and all around, like being in a caravan. They would have liked a fence to make it clear where the pitches start and end. People didn't like the gravel because children will play with it.

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The picture of the communal space with the boat in the centre of it looked ideal as everyone could see the children playing, they have space to run about and something to play on.

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People liked the gates on the pitches, to keep children safe. Also the size of the pitches and green space. Sliding gates are more practical for space.

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Green space is positive but people would have liked more space on these pitches for extra caravans. There was some concern that the wooden fence could be a fire risk.

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