
Interim Gypsy/Traveller site design guide

Guide to assist public sector providers of Gypsy/Traveller sites to design and provide high quality accommodation that meets their needs.


1. New hardstanding bases should be laid as a minimum to provide "A hard core base to a minimum depth of 150 mm, well consolidated and topped with 100 mm of concrete (mix as BS8500-2:20066 ) shall be used. The finished raft must be generally level with due allowance for surface drainage. Where the ground conditions so require, thickening or the introduction of reinforcement of the raft may be necessary." Current National Park Homes Council and British Holiday and Home Parks Association Standards

2. For the purposes of Scottish Natural Heritage's report, green infrastructure is defined as: 'The use of greenspaces and any vegetated land or water to deliver benefits for people and nature. GI includes parks, open spaces, playing fields, woodlands, wetlands, floodplains, road verges, allotments and other growing spaces, private gardens, green roofs, green walls as well as blue infrastructure such as sustainable drainage systems, ponds, swales, raingardens, wetlands, rivers and canals'.



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