
Adult protection significant case reviews: interim framework

Framework to support a consistent approach to conducting adult protection significant case reviews and improve the dissemination and application of learning both locally and nationally. This framework is for all partners.

Cross-UK cases

Cross-UK Significant Case Reviews have been rare, but it is possible that adults at risk of harm and their families/carers could become involved with services across borders and a Significant / Serious Case Review involving two or more countries may be considered.

It is not possible to provide definitive guidance, as each case under consideration will be unique. However, building on the experience and learning of those Adult Protection Committees who have undertaken such Significant Case Reviews the following points should be considered:

  • early contact with the Local Adult Safeguarding Board (England), Area Adult Protection Committees (Wales), and the equivalent in Northern Ireland to identify a link person and provide that body with a link person within the Adult Protection Committee
  • make available the remit of the Significant Case Review and request the remit of the appropriate Safeguarding Adults Board or equivalent
  • enter into a memorandum of understanding, which should be explicit in its terms regarding access to records and staff and liaison with family members, for example
  • consider having a member of the Safeguarding Adults Board, or its equivalent, as a member of the review team for specific meetings and tasks
  • agree a communication strategy, which should be clear about media handling and what information may be made available in any report. It must be borne in mind that in England and Wales there is a duty to publish every Serious Case Review for public dissemination and in Northern Ireland Case Management Review (CMR) executive summaries are published. As there is no legal requirement to publish Significant Case Reviews in Scotland any references to data from Scotland may have to be redacted
  • consider joint contact with the adult at risk of harm and their family/carers (or other significant persons) to make them aware of the cross-UK nature of the Significant Case Review and establish what arrangements will be carried out for feedback, and for informing the family/carers of the publication of the Significant / Serious Case Review outcome



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