
Adult protection significant case reviews: interim framework

Framework to support a consistent approach to conducting adult protection significant case reviews and improve the dissemination and application of learning both locally and nationally. This framework is for all partners.


The Adult Protection Committee is responsible for deciding whether a Significant Case Review is warranted using the criteria in this framework, and for agreeing the manner in which the review is conducted on behalf of the Chief Officers Group or equivalent. The Convenor of the Adult Protection Committee advises and makes a recommendation to the Chief Officers' Group when a Significant Case Review is required. As such, the Chief Officers' Group is the commissioner of any Significant Case Review with an interest in its findings and the ownership of the process and any reports generated belong to the Adult Protection Committee.

Each Adult Protection Committee will have approved procedures for managing referrals about potential Significant Case Reviews. This should include:

  • decision-making about the appropriateness of the referral
  • how the referral should proceed
  • arrangements for commissioning a Significant Case Review

Some Adult Protection Committees may have an established group whose role is to oversee on behalf of the Adult Protection Committee matters relating to Significant Case Reviews. Where there is an established group, local arrangements should outline the key roles and responsibilities of the group. Key agency representatives should be identified to attend the group meetings. In this framework, a reference to an Adult Protection Committee could mean such a group where local delegation allows.

Following the death of an adult, or the identification of serious concerns about an adult, who was subject to adult support and protection processes or should have been, agencies should assess the circumstances of the case to identify if there are any immediate actions that need to be taken. Regardless of whether or when a Significant Case Review takes place, it is important that any areas for improvement of practice identified by the immediate evidence should be addressed as soon as possible.



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