
Adult protection significant case reviews: interim framework

Framework to support a consistent approach to conducting adult protection significant case reviews and improve the dissemination and application of learning both locally and nationally. This framework is for all partners.

Cross-authority cases

A Significant Case Review in one Adult Protection Committee area may involve agencies from a different local authority, health board or police division; care home residents may be placed out of district from the commissioning authority for example. Delay in making contact should be avoided.

In the case of a potential cross-authority Significant Case Review, the relevant Adult Protection Committees should agree a mechanism for joint working, including which Adult Protection Committee should take the lead, and if required joint commissioning of a lead reviewer. It will also be important that clear channels are identified for how information is shared across local authorities. This should be authorised by the Adult Protection Committee Conveners and coordinated through the Adult Protection Committees, with authority delegated to Coordinators or Lead Officers. They should advise the Chief Officers' Group or equivalent. Any disputes (between local authorities) should be escalated to the Chief Officers' Group or equivalent for consideration and Chief Social Work Officers should be kept informed.

Where a dispute is not resolved and one Adult Protection Committee wishes to progress, the other Adult Protection Committee should make all the information that they hold on the case available to support the review. The detail of their decision not to proceed should be noted within the Significant Case Review.



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