
Post-school education, research and skills - interim purpose and principles: discussion guide

A discussion guide to support feedback on the framework for building an excellent post-school education, research and skills ecosystem for Scotland.

About the Purpose and Principles

  • The post school education, research and skills ecosystem includes colleges, universities, community learning and development, apprenticeships and employer-led training along with the research that develops the new thinking, systems and products that helps to drive our society at home and internationally.
  • The Purpose and Principles set out what we collectively would like this post school education, research and skills ecosystem to deliver. When published, the final version will fulfil the Scottish Government's commitment to publish a statement of strategic intent for the ecosystem following the Scottish Funding Council's (SFC) recommendations in its review "Coherence and Sustainability: A Review of Tertiary Education and Research".
  • This document is being published at a significant juncture. The social and economic challenges facing our people, our public services and our economy are far reaching. This work presents a bold opportunity to align the whole ecosystem behind a shared purpose and set of principles which will provide a clear framework for decision making based on the outcomes we want to see.
  • Across our society this work will challenge perceptions and cultural expectations of what the ecosystem can deliver. It creates an opportunity to discuss policy reforms that ensure that we preserve what we value whilst reducing expenditure, reducing failure demand and improving outcomes.



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