
Post-school education, research and skills - interim purpose and principles: discussion guide

A discussion guide to support feedback on the framework for building an excellent post-school education, research and skills ecosystem for Scotland.

Principle Three – Globally Respected

This section will support session participants to consider the principle of "Globally Respected" and the policy options available to support the delivery of this principle in Scotland today and in the future.

Question 3.1

  • Do you agree with inclusion of and language of the principle of Globally Respected?

Question 3.2

  • This principle is about the contribution that research in Scotland makes to the world and the role it plays in supporting Scotland's global standing, teaching excellence, prosperity and connectedness.
  • How do you think we can best maintain and leverage international respect for Scotland's research, education and skills ecosystem, inward investment and attraction of international talent?

Principle Three – Facilitators Notes

  • Section Three allows participants to consider the principle of "Globally Respected".
  • Facilitators are encouraged to support groups to discuss the questions before summarising and sharing the output of their discussions.
  • Depending on the group, the two questions could be discussed in turn, or alternatively the participants could be grouped and allocated different questions to explore.

Question 3.1, could be considered in two parts:

  • 3.1 (a) Do you agree that this is an important principle that should be included as part of the Purpose and Principles?
  • 3.1 (b) Do you have any thoughts on the language or framing of this principle?

In considering question 3.1, participants could be provided with the following scaffolding to support their thinking and any discussion. For example:

  • What does globally respected mean to you in your role in the broader ecosystem or Scotland's wellbeing economy more generally?
  • Is this the right description of the principle of globally respected? Is there anything missing that you would expect to see?

Question 3.2, could be considered in two parts:

  • 3.2 (a) What kind of delivery options need to be available to individuals to build a globally respected ecosystem?
  • 3.2 (b) Do you have any examples of good practice of this principle or identifiable areas for improvement?

In considering question 3.2, participants could be provided with the following scaffolding to support their thinking and any discussion. For example:

  • Recognising the importance of both fundamental and applied research and the range of sources of research funding, how do we or should we decide on what research the Scottish Government should fund? This includes considering the balance of mission based funding or funding excellence? How can we best leverage public investment in research, innovation and knowledge exchange to crowd-in other forms of investment?
  • What type of opportunities exist for international education, partnerships and exchange opportunities? How can we continue to build on this? Are there any exemplars in this area? What are the best ways of leveraging international connections and networks to maximise benefits?
  • How sustainable are the more internationally exposed aspects of the ecosystem? This could include considering the attraction of international staff and students, percentage of students on courses who are international fee paying students, and longer term impact of the UK's exit from the EU on the ecosystem.



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