
Interim recording of discarded fish

Interim recording of discarded fish and/or fish landed below minimum conservation reference size.

Following the introduction of the Demersal Landing Obligation this year, vessels are obliged to land catches of certain species of fish that are below minimum conservation reference size (MCRS). This fish, commonly referred to as BMS (below minimum size), cannot be sold for human consumption.

Current paper logs

Masters must identify discarded fish by taking a separate column on the logsheet for discards using DIS.

A separate line must also be taken for fish retained for landing below minimum conservation reference size using BMS.

Recording DIS or BMS on an electronic FAR or an electronic DIS report

Masters should make a separate species line entry on the FAR for any fish retained above and below minimum size using the Juvenile fish indicator (GBRJUV) to identify the BMS element of the catch where 1 = JUV and 0 = non-JUV. 

The current situation with the five supplier systems regarding the recording of GBRJUV is as follows:


Recording details


Can record GBRJUV = 1 or 0 in DIS. Defaults to 1 in FAR and cannot be changed. This will be available in the new version, due soon.


Can record GBRJUV = 1 or 0 in both FAR and DIS


Can record GBRJUV = 1 or 0 in FAR. Defaults to 1 in DIS and cannot be changed. This will be available in the new version, due soon.


Can record GBRJUV = 1 or 0 in both FAR and DIS


Supplier has intimated that the system can record GBRJUV = 1 or 0 in both FAR and DIS. Skippers should contact Danny Copland if they cannot see how to make this report.

01779 480600

07825 945032

Current paper landing declaration

Agents/Masters should take a separate line for all entries of BMS fish retained for landing and write BMS against each entry.

Recording BMS on electronic/wheelhouse LAN

The existing e-log systems do not offer a BMS code. This will be resolved in the medium to long-term.

In the meantime, masters should select the Fish State “Dried” from their on board system to denote BMS fish.

Recording BMS on an online LAN

The existing online LAN does not offer a BMS code. This will be resolved in the medium to long-term.

In the meantime, please enter BMS fish as a separate line with the state and presentation reflecting what was actually landed (such as “Fresh” and “Whole”).

Recording BMS on an online buyers sale note

BMS fish can only be sold privately. Buyers must weigh 100% of each species, retain the weighing records for a minimum of three years, and submit buyers sales notes, reflecting the outcome of the purchase and the associated weighing.

Unfortunately, the existing system for the receipt of online buyers sales notes does not offer a BMS code. This will be resolved as part of the ongoing work to improve IT, which is aiming to deliver a new system by September 2016.

In the meantime, buyers should select “grade” B and “grade size” 4 for all BMS fish purchased, as illustrated in this screen shot.

If you have any queries please contact your local fishery office.

Landing Obligation: Onshore Guidance Note:- this note explains the application of animal by-product regulation to below-MCRS catches of species that are subject to the Landing Obligation.

Chartworx: recording of discards and juveniles
E-Catch: recording of discards and juveniles
OLRAC: recording of discards and juveniles
Recording BMS on an online buyers sale note
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