
Internal migration in Scotland and the UK: trends and policy lessons

This report by the independent Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population analyses internal migration within Scotland, and between Scotland and the rest of the UK (rUK), assessing its geographic distribution, dynamics and impacts.

Appendix B: The Local Authority Survey Questionnaire

Invitation to participate in Scottish Government Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population survey

Project Title: Immigration as a tool to offset demographic pressures: lessons from home and abroad

Researcher Details: Professor Rebecca Kay, University of Glasgow. Tel: 0141 330 2847

You are being invited to take part in a survey conducted as part of the work of the Scottish Government’s Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population. The group was established in October 2018 and produced a first report ‘UK Immigration Policy After Leaving the EU: Impacts on Scotland's Economy, Population and Society’ in February 2019.

In its second commission from the Scottish Government, the group has been asked to consider ways in which immigration might be used as a tool to offset demographic pressures and population challenges. As well as reviewing policy models and examples from other OECD countries, the group has decided to conduct a small survey of Scottish local authorities to gather insights from existing or previous initiatives and experience at local levels. You are being invited to respond to the survey below in your capacity as xx officer for xx local authority.

Please reply to as many of the questions below as you have relevant information on, and/or feel free to send us related documentation from which we can find the answers. (If you chose to do the latter it would be most helpful if you could indicate page ranges where the relevant information may be found whenever possible).

We expect to publish a report from our findings in October 2019 and we may quote from materials or responses that you send us. Information provided will be attributed to the relevant local authority in the final report, but no individual officers will be identified by name or position.

We will retain your answers and other materials you might send us for use in the future work of the Expert Advisory group as appropriate. We will not share them beyond that group without your permission. By returning the survey you are consenting to take part in this research as outlined above.

This study has been reviewed by the College of Social Sciences Research Ethics Committee University of Glasgow.

Should you have queries or complaints about the study these may be referred to College of Social Sciences Ethics Officer, Dr Muir Houston, email:

Survey questions

1) Could you describe for us the main challenges for your local authority relating to population? (e.g. ageing; retention of young people; labour shortages (in specific sectors)…)

2) Do you have a sense of the profile of people moving out of the area in terms of age/gender/education/skills/destinations (other areas of Scotland/UK/International)?

3) Do you have a sense of the profile of people moving into the area in terms of age/gender/education/skills/places or countries of origin (ie. From other areas of Scotland/UK/EU/International)?

4) How does migration (either international or from other areas of the UK/Scotland) feature in the LAs current consideration of and responses to population issues?

a) What opportunities do you see migration as bringing in relation to population issues?

b) What challenges do you see migration as bringing in relation to population issues?

5) What measures have been taken to date (whether ongoing or not) to try to attract people to the area?

a) How successful have these been?

b) If no longer ongoing why did these cease?

6) What measures have been taken to date (whether ongoing or not) to try and retain new arrivals in the area?

a) How successful have these been?

b) If no longer ongoing why did these cease?

7) Have other measures been considered but not (yet) implemented?

a) Why have they not been implemented (yet)?

8) Have any of the measures mentioned above been targeted at attracting people from particular areas in Scotland/Rest of UK/EU/non-EU countries?

9) Have models or examples of good practice from elsewhere (within Scotland/UK/other countries) been considered in developing LA responses and measures?



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