
International Communications Framework

The framework provides a structure and plan to support public sector communicators and other organisations that are communicating with international audiences.

2. Policy context

The line between domestic and international policy is becoming even more closely connected, with global events directly impacting people in Scotland as well as overseas, meaning we face some of the most challenging economic conditions in living memory.

Scotland’s International Strategy with its three themes (Economy, Trade and Investment; Climate Change, Biodiversity and Renewable Energy, and; Reputation, Influence and Relationships) forms a critical part of our commitment to being a good global citizen. It outlines how we are addressing global challenges and demonstrates how our international work provides tangible benefits to Scotland’s people, businesses and institutions.

Scotland’s International Priorities

International strategy theme: Economy, Trade and Investment

International policy areas:

  • Export Growth
  • Inward Investment
  • Capital Investment
  • Tourism

International strategy theme: Climate Change, Biodiversity and Renewable Energy

International policy areas:

  • Climate Change
  • Biodiversity
  • Blue Economy
  • Hydrogen
  • Offshore Wind

International strategy theme: Reputation, Influence and Relationships

International policy areas:

  • Scottish Connections
  • Culture
  • Education and Research
  • International Development
  • Knowledge Exchange

Addressing global challenges can help to support domestic objectives and the Scottish Government’s priorities of eradicating child poverty, growing the economy, tackling the climate emergency and improving public services.



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