
International Communications Framework

The framework provides a structure and plan to support public sector communicators and other organisations that are communicating with international audiences.

3. The role for communications

For a nation to be attractive and a role model for others, its overall reputation must be strong and positive. Effective and collaborative international communications will grow Scotland’s networks, spheres of influence and build on this reputation. It will support international outcomes by demonstrating Scotland’s leadership and how it is making a positive global contribution.

Communications has a pivotal role in conveying clear, compelling and consistent messages to Scotland’s international audiences. It is an important lever to help shift attitudes and empower and enable behaviour change to drive active consideration to live, work, visit, study and do business with Scotland. It also showcases the value of Scotland’s international progress and commitments domestically.

3.1 Nation brand

A nation brand is the sum of people’s perceptions of a country and fundamentally shapes the degree to which a country is admired, trusted and respected. Scotland’s nation brand tells the stories of our unique heritage by celebrating our values, dynamism, progressive outlook and innovation. A strong nation brand strategy brings benefits for the nation and its people, domestically and internationally. It is critical for Scotland’s economy.



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