
International culture strategy: consultation analysis

Analysis of responses to the public consultation for the international culture strategy.

Appendix 1: Consultation questions

Scotland’s international cultural footprint

1. What current international activity do you undertake?

2. What impact does international activity have on your business/organisation?

3. What are your motivations for working internationally?

4. What, if any, are the main barriers to developing your international activity?

Rationale for an International Culture Strategy

5. What are your views on the rationale set out for an International Culture Strategy?

Vision and themes

6. What are your views on the vision outlined above?

7. We have identified 4 themes (cultural connections, economic impact, diplomacy and reputation). How does your work connect with each of these areas?

8. Are there aspects of your work that would not be captured by these themes, but you feel the strategy should recognise?

Current support for international cultural activity

9. Have you accessed Scottish public sector support for your international activity and if so which sources?



10. What has been the impact of this support on your work?

11. Have you accessed any other forms of support for your international activity and if so which sources?



12. Is current support for international cultural activity appropriate? Are there gaps in provision in terms of focus?



Not sure

13. Are you aware of international examples that Scotland might learn from in its support for international cultural activity?

Current pressures, challenges and opportunities

14. In what ways can international activity help to mitigate current challenges? (e.g Brexit, pandemic, cost crisis)

15. Are there particular challenges that leaving the EU has caused to your international activity?

16. If so, in what ways might this strategy seek to address those challenges?

17. Are there new ways that you have begun to engage internationally or ways in which you wish to do so?

Yes, I have begun to engage internationally in new ways

No, I have not begun to engage internationally in new ways but I aspire to in the future

No, I do not wish to engage internationally in new ways

Please could you explain your choice

18. What are your views on how this strategy should consider the impact of international activities on climate change?

19. How would you like this strategy to further the aspiration of handling historic injustices responsibly?


20. Are there particular geographies that are of greater importance to you, your organisation, or the wider sector, than others?

Yes, there are particular geographies of greater importance to me

Yes, there are particular geographies of greater importance to my organisation

Yes, there are particular geographies of greater importance to the wider sector

No, there are no particular geographies of greater importance

Don't know

If yes, please list which geographies are of greater importance

21. Do you think an International Culture Strategy should prioritise particular geographies?



Not sure

If yes, state why you believe certain geographies should be prioritised.


22. Are there aspects of engaging in international cultural activity that can affect equalities groups differently? (In your response, please reflect on both positive and negative effects.)

Please reflect on the protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation).

Please now reflect on socio-economic status.

Please now reflect on island communities.

Please now reflect on children and young people.

23. If you identified any negative effects, what do you think could be done in the future to try and prevent this from happening?

24. Are there any other comments you would like to make on the strategy as a whole at this time?



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