
International Education Strategy Governance Group minutes: June 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 20 June 2024.

Attendees and apologies

  • Graeme Dey, Minister for Higher and Further Education and Veterans
  • Rachel Sandison, University of Glasgow
  • James Miller, Universities Scotland
  • Wendy Alexander, Scottish Government Trade and Investment Envoy
  • Peter Brown, British Council
  • Neville Wylie, Connected Scotland
  • Gareth Williams, Prosper
  • Stephen Decent, RKEC
  • Andrea Nolan, Universities Scotland
  • David Donaldson, Universities Scotland


  • Roy Gardner, Colleges Scotland

Items and actions

Welcome and apologies

The Minister extended a welcome to members and emphasised the importance of this group.

Background, context and current challenges

The Minister noted the challenging landscape and concerns around UK Government migration policy.

There followed a discussion around what the group can do to try mitigate the damage being done by this stance, including which geographies should be prioritised. Committee members emphasised a need for a consistent and united  approach to attract a diversity of students, particularly those who may be negatively impacted by this migration policy.

It was agreed that this must happen at pace to coincide with the  next cycle of the admissions process.

Discussion then focused on current and potential geopolitical concerns related to particular sectors, areas of study and types of institutions.

Those present agreed that, with a constrained budget, effective housekeeping and ensuring a strong marketing approach, as well as working collectively, are key.

Update on progress of IES

A brief update on progress towards IES implementation was provided by officials including reference to a draft implementation plan designed   to support the work required to meet the objectives of the IES .

Discussion then took place around the requirement for a separate implementation group to be established.  All were in agreement that it is best to make use of existing groups  to progress actions rather than add further layers.

A discussion around the marketing approach led to agreement to  make best use of institutions’ expertise to lead the way.  The group highlighted the importance of  a ‘country first’ approach, showcasing the study in Scotland offer, with the understanding that prospective students will often be attracted to a country first before making their choice of institution.  This will in turn attract prospective students to Scotland with institutions providing additional marketing to highlight their own unique offerings. 

Scottish Education Exchange Programme (SEEP)

Officials provided an update on the analysis of the SEEP test and learn projects that were funded last year, including information on the variety of projects carried out across the sector. Work is underway on the next year of projects and priorities. Thorough analysis will be carried out at the end of the next round of funding.

Discussion on how to ensure a more even spread of projects across sector took place. It was agreed that this programme is good value for money with exciting outcomes for institutions which can be built upon. It was noted that this programme has been useful to rebuild relationships which may have suffered due to travel restrictions during the Covid pandemic, changes to migration rules, and the continuing impact of EU exit.

Applications will open later this year and officials are engaging with institutions to increase awareness and  encourage a wider range of applications.

A discussion took place around role of Transnational Education (TNE) in the IES and data on student destination post-study. It was agreed that institutions should work collaboratively to allow better understanding of the information available.

Forward plan

The discussion around the frequency of meetings led to agreement that the group should reconvene in September to maintain momentum particularly around the destination marketing.

Key actions

  • Universities Scotland International Committee to work with Scottish Qualifications Agency (SQA) in jointly planning international workstreams and feed back to the Governance Group at the next meeting
  • Brand Scotland to progress destination marketing at pace, to ensure readiness by September for the next student recruitment cycle
  • Connected Scotland to support Brand Scotland discussions with marketing agencies

Final remarks, meeting close

The group agreed that work needs to progress at pace, with a view to reconvening in September with Brand Scotland launch in place.

Members were thanked for their contributions.

The next meeting date  to be confirmed and members will be contacted in due course.

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