
International Education Strategy Governance Group minutes: November 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the group held on 6 November 2024

Attendees and apologies

  • Chair) Mr Dey, Minister for Higher and Further Education and Minister for Veterans
  • Gareth Williams, Prosper
  • James Miller, Universities Scotland
  • Neville Wylie, Connected Scotland
  • Peter Brown, British Council
  • Roy Gardner, City of Glasgow College
  • Wendy Alexander, Scottish Government Trade and Investment Envoy
  • James McKean, Colleges Scotland


  • Nick Forsyth, University of Aberdeen
  • Rachel Sandison, University of Glasgow
  • Stephen Decent, RKEC
  • Adam Reid, Scottish Government

Items and actions

Welcome and Apologies

The Minister for Higher and Further Education; and Minister for Veterans extended a welcome to members. The Minister advised following on from the International Research presentation at the last meeting, the International Collaboration Fund has now closed and has proved extremely popular. Details of successful projects will be circulated, once confirmed.

Minutes of Last Meeting and Actions Arising

Members agreed accuracy of the minutes. Destination Scotland actions to be covered under Agenda Item 3 – Destination Scotland Programme.

Destination Scotland Programme

A joint presentation was given by Brand Scotland and Chair of Universities Scotland Branding Group to provide an update on progress of work before the programme goes live at the end of November.

Creative assets were presented that have been developed for the campaign by working collaboratively with the sector, international students and using research. Key insights led to three Unique Selling Points (USPs): Academic Excellence & Quality; Scotland’s Unique & Distinctive Culture; and Our Welcoming, Inclusive Nature, which then informed the creative assets.

Overarching Brand Story which focuses on Head, Heart and Spirit, which fits really well with the aims for the study programme.

A core line, Come to Study, Find Scotland will be used, reflecting students’ experiences who came to Scotland for one thing (study), and found so much more once they arrived.

Creative assets consist of digital and social media ads, a 30 second film and international student testimonials.

A variety of sponsored newsletters and targeted emails will be used to impart our key messages.

It was recognised that, over the course of the campaign, it is important that creative assets are scalable, with the functionality to refine messaging and are adaptable for individual institution use.

Timelines for when each strand of the campaign would go live, where the assets will be placed and how success will be measured, were provided.

The creative content and the progress made was received positively by members.

Members provided additional suggestions were made:  how to respond to any issues raised; possibility of the First Minister recording a video to international students; including college voices as part of the testimonials; opportunity to emphasise Entrepreneurship; linking in with employers, especially around skills shortages, attracting talent and how they can support greater reach of the campaign; how to present an image of the entire higher education ecosystem; and how universities closely collaborate, especially around research.

Issues were raised around the timing of the campaign launch as it will not have time to make an impact on January’s intake of international students. It was also highlighted that many international students have had a less positive experience with UKVI and issuing of visas which also has an impact on intake. 

Scottish Education Exchange Programme (SEEP) Test and Learn Update

A presentation was given by the International Higher Education team.

The presentation gave an overview of the SEEP programme, lessons learnt from Year 1; changes and improvements made for Year 2; update on grant allocation for Year 2; and aspirations for a potential Year 3.

Improvements in Year 2, which were identified and implemented by the stakeholder working group, support the sectors aspirations to increase opportunities for disadvantaged groups. Improvements include piloting short-term student mobility and the strengthening of communications with individual institutions.

Positive comments from members on the improvements that had been made to the programme, especially for colleges where it has encouraged them to develop ideas around international work.

Additional improvements suggested by members included a multi-year funding commitment, which would help to maximise impact for student mobility, making it easier for students to participate over the summer months.

University Scotland and Colleges Scotland both advised it would be helpful to see a list of the projects that have been funded.

Any other business

An International Education Strategy (IES) annual report and evaluation framework are being prepared to demonstrate the progress of the Strategy and evaluate its impact in Year 1. SG is also engaging with IES partners on priorities for the IES in 2025/26. These items will be brought to the next meeting for discussion.

Date for next meeting is 22 January 2025.

Suggestion that the meeting after 22 January be held in May to discuss how the marketing campaign is landing and to allow time for any adjustments before the September intake.

Key Actions

•    IHE Team/Brand Scotland to consider the possibility of FM doing a video to international students as a welcoming nation.
•    Universities Scotland and Colleges Scotland to provide information to Minister on difficulties raised by International Students in obtaining visas.
•    Colleges Scotland to provide international students numbers across the college sector for both short and full time courses, if possible.
•    Brand Scotland to consider how marketing assets could include entrepreneurship and more visibility and inclusion of college voices in creative content.
•    SG to consider how to increase engagement with employers seeking to attract/retain talent.
•    Brand Scotland and the Branding Group to liaise with the Brand Scotland Strategic Forum to ensure study pillar and assets support the ‘live/work’ pillar and to ensure greater reach.
•    Universities Scotland to obtain data on which universities have a May intake to help assess the impact of the marketing campaign.
•    SG Officials to consider multi-year funding commitment for SEEP.
•    Details of Year 2 SEEP projects to be shared with member organisations.
•    Secretariat to ensure any significant updates in between meetings are circulated to the group.

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