
International offices: guide

A guide to the work of our nine international offices who work to promote Scottish interests overseas and strengthen our relationships with countries and continents.


International offices

We have a network of offices in priority locations around the world. These offices work to promote Scottish interests overseas and strengthen our relationships with countries and continents.

These offices deliver and support our activity, agencies and public and private partners in key locations outside Scotland, building on established expertise. The network provides a focus for Scottish partners needing presence in a country, capital or continent. They play a critical role in supporting international collaboration which delivers economic benefits and helps address societal and global challenges.

The scale, scope and focus of this activity varies depending on the specific opportunities in a particular location. However, as a whole, the network will make connections in the development of policy priorities for us to exchange good practice. 

The work of our offices includes:

  • improving Scotland’s international profile
  • attracting investment
  • helping businesses to trade internationally
  • promoting and securing research and innovation capability, partnerships and funding
  • facilitating cultural exchanges and events
  • protecting and enhancing Scotland’s interests in the EU and beyond

Business planning

More information about specific strategic objectives and our work with countries and institutions across the world is on the relevant office pages. 

These strategic objectives form the basis of the network’s business planning processes and their local objectives will be drawn from these themes, which themselves are grounded in Scotland’s International Framework, Economic Strategy and the National Performance Framework, in particular the national outcomes of:

  • we have a globally competitive entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable economy
  • we are open, connected and make a positive contribution internationally

We use the network to support collaboration which provides economic benefits in line with our International Framework.

Ambassadorial and diplomatic services for UK citizens are reserved functions and are provided by the UK Government Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

You can see our priorities for 2022 to 2023 in our website archive.


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

Telephone: 0300 244 4000

International Division
Scottish Government
2G North
Victoria Quay

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